Refund of Account Balance

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I have received this text from AGL today.


"This is the AGL team, we have applied the Queensland government's Cost of Living Rebate to your account. It will appear on your next bill after July 1, 2024, as 'QLD Govt Cost of Living Rebate'. This rebate is non-refundable and will be applied to any outstanding or future electricity bills."


I have solar and my account is usually in credit so this money will remain with AGL indefinitely. I have been through this before and it was finally resolved by EWOQ. I was hoping not to have to go through it all again. The refund is for the consumer not for AGL.

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My account was finalised and the credit/monies refunded into my bank account within 5 business days. 

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@jeffreysol  you wrote . . .


"I have received this text from AGL today.


"This is the AGL team, we have applied the Queensland government's Cost of Living Rebate to your account. It will appear on your next bill after July 1, 2024, as 'QLD Govt Cost of Living Rebate'. This rebate is non-refundable and will be applied to any outstanding or future electricity bills."


I have solar and my account is usually in credit so this money will remain with AGL indefinitely. I have been through this before and it was finally resolved by EWOQ. I was hoping not to have to go through it all again. The refund is for the consumer not for AGL."


Apparently it works this way.

You're GOVCO credits (state and federal) are applied to your account balance / bill first, before any solar credit for feed in.

So, the rebates will be depleted over X number of bills, and your solar feed in credit will build.


You can claim the solar credits back anytime, or as arranged with AGL periodically.


If you leave AGL at any time before GOVC credits are depleted, you can get those refunded.

If you move properties and stay with AGL, the balance can be transferred I believe.

If you move properties and leave AGL, then the refund would be issued as above.

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I too, have been having great difficulty in obtaining a simple refund of my "Solar Tarrif Credits" from AGL.   And likewise, for the past 10 years or more, my electricity bill has always been in credit.  I have been requesting a payout o my "Tarrif Credit" for these past three (3) months ? 

I seem to be dealing with a bunch of a Incompetant "Idiots" who cannot differentiate  between a Tarrif Credit, a Tarrif Debit, or a Government Rebate, or maybe if their backsides are on fire ???

I too, have had to go to the Ombudsman - Energy & Water - Queensland to try and get a sensible solution to my dilema.

It is indeed sad that such a Company cannot deal with their "Core Business" of supplying Energy to an efficient and proper standard !

I also agree most strongly, that the $1000 Government Rebate is NOT the property of the energy providers !

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Hi deepesh, can you please confirm how long the duration you need to be in credit for is to have the rebate refunded? I have been in credit for over 12 months. And my credit is growing every month and will likely keep growing due to always producing much more power with solar than I consume. But when I asked for a refund from AGL my request was denied.