.. Received an email just an hour or so ago, advising the trial commences tomorrow Wed 26th March. So, anyone else here that has signed up and joined the group here ? I have a few questions not yet able to clarify from the general info online or sent out in emails. Would be happy to see others questions too. > Do participants get a heads up when a curtailment is going to happen ? It's not likely to be something that can be done with any sort of advanced notice, like a day or so, but is there anything even at start of a curtailment that can be expected ? By SMS, or email, etc. > Do participants get a report of curtailment on any time basis, once a day, week, month, etc ? Would be good to know how many hours on such and such days have been curtailed, and how many KWH. I figure we must get some sort of report to understand where we are in the 200hrs total earmarked for curtailment. I am expecting curtailment to occur mostly during the finest summer / shoulder season production days, when the grid is loaded with too much PV power, and negative price triggers might reflect badly for retailers. > Would this be right ? Regards, Les (Adelaide SA)
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