dangriffo32's latest conversations

dangriffo32 Semiconductor

Re: Refund of Account Balance

Hi deepesh, can you please confirm how long the duration you need to be in credit for is to have the rebate refunded? I have been in credit for over 12 months. And my credit is growing every month and will likely keep growing due to always producing much more power with solar than I consume. But when I asked for a refund from AGL my request was denied.
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dangriffo32 Semiconductor

Re: 2024 Government Rebate Refund

Hi xander When I requested a refund of my government rebate to an agl support member I was told that they can't refund the rebate unless I change to another energy provider and then request a refund from agl. I am regularly in credit so the money will just be sitting there in credit, so I would like it refunded. Can you please confirm if I should be able to receive the rebate as a 1 time refund? Thanks
23 Replies 0 Likes
dangriffo32 Semiconductor

Re: 2024 Government Rebate Refund

hi Xander Based on your statement that AGL does not withhold redunds or rebates from customers, can you guarantee that if I ask for a refund of my energy releif rebate, AGL will immediately grant this? or will they try to not honour this as they have been doing to other customers?
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