Lester's latest conversations

Lester Powerhouse

Re: Bill for power arrived and does not match the Phone APP!

Yes, it makes sense (sort of).That difference would be your $75 rebate from Fed Govco.It SHOULD be shown on your bill, but that I am not 100% sure about.The 2 amounts should be showing as $382 to pay, but obviously don't. I just noticed 2 payments of $75 to my account transactions (on the app), and I haven't yet had a bill SHOW the rebate as yet. It could be that they don't show the rebate (on the actual bill), I had a discrepancy last bill paid in early August, but my last bill showed an amount ...
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Lester Powerhouse

Re: Energy Plans

"I’m in SA which has the most expensive energy prices in the country! Forget Katy Perry, Malinauskus…. Use your dubious skills to help us afford our utilities." Yep, we are far and away the dearest power state in the dearest country in general for electricity.On par with CA (USA) prices. And the strange thing is with numerous 'competitors' they are all about the same, give or take a little on tariffs and / or supply charges.Comparing on link > energy made easy govco site is recommended at least ...
3 Replies 0 Likes
Lester Powerhouse

Re: Several MC4 Solar Panel Connectors touching roof.

After having my solar installed by a large company, that also contracts out to a variety of installers, I would recommend anyone wanting solar / batteries to go direct to the many reputable solar companies that do all their own work.Look for one that has been around for at least 5 years, has good reviews online (plus check www.solarquotes.com.au and www.solarchoice.net.au they offer quotes from good installers), read the blogs on those sites and articles, educate yourself a bit as to options for ...
4 Replies 0 Likes
Lester Powerhouse

Re: Energy app

@Burto123 . . . I have what I think is the only AGL app, it doesn't do any real time monitoring, just billing info, plan info, rates etc . . . and historic usage info from data when they get it end of next day from your energy provider.Can you confirm what you are looking at with monitoring ?I have an app for my solar system that does the real time solar production and usage.
12 Replies 0 Likes