View current outstanding balance in Overview when using bill smoothing

12 Replies 22098 Views

The Transaction History is a good idea however I would still like to see a current outstanding balance in Overview, especially when using Bill Smoothing so that we can see how much we owe or how much in credit we are.

AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Good Idea, Vote!

Thanks Mazza for your idea! We have had similar feedback from customers in the past. I've moved your comment to a new idea so the Community can vote (using the thumbs up) to show our My Account team this is a wanted feature. Feel free to expand on your idea in more detail 🙂 Get voting Community! 

AGL Community Manager

Hi @Mazza4556,


Do you have a smart meter? And do you use our App? If so, as a Bill Smoothing customer you should be able to see some of the information you are wanting in the AGL App. If you go to Billing > the Next Payment is next to the due date. 


Let us know if that provides the information you are after! 


You're kidding aren't you? Being able to view your account balance should be a standard feature of any company you deal with on an ongoing basis. Mazza has suggested it be introduced 9 months ago. You even admitted that other people have also requested this ability be introduced, yet now I still can't see it implemented in my account. The best you guys can do is put it into a community forum so other users can vote on it if they can find the voting button. Not good enough. Just do it.


Please for the love of god put the "Account balance" function back for those using bill smoothing. It was in the app and online a long time ago, but some bright spark has removed it.


Mine has changed as it used to show how much credit I had but since setting up the smooth billing, it's replaced it. How can I get it back to show credit and payments 


I think this would be a great idea, I have a friend on a very restricted income, and he does that with his mobile to ensure continuity of his service and ability to pay on time and reduce fees.   This would be really practical for ones in that category.


I use bill smoothing so pay regular amounts, but in the online site although I can see transaction history of payments, it is not clear if I am ahead in payments or behind, ie no running current account balance similar to bank statements. This would be extremely easy to add and very useful to see.

AGL Community Manager

This is on our product roadmap and likely to be included in future reviews, but won't be added at this stage.


Why is this still a question? 

AGL just needs to make the billing and payment process clear, simple and transparent.

There needs to be a running balance, much like you would find on your bank statement, so customers can see whether they still owe anything or whether they’re in credit. This is especially important for new customers who don’t yet qualify for bill smoothing, to enable them to advance payments on their instalment plans without making accidental or duplicate payments. This could mean the difference between eating or not eating that week.


Hi AGL, is there a way of monitoring my bill smoothing payments are received via MyAccount? I keep getting reminder SMS stating I haven't paid my account when I actually have paid on time. As it is impossible to speak to someone on the phone I want to check the payments have gone through via My Account.  There should be a running statement available.