Adding my partner to my AGL account

1 Reply 17851 Views


I'd like to add my partner to my AGL account. I've already added him as an authorised person, but his name doesn't appear on any of our statements and he also doesn't get emailed any bills or notifications. 

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 17844 Views

Hi Alyssa,


Welcome to the Community!

Only one name may appear on AGL bills for privacy and credit reporting purposes I'm sorry to say. Do you mind if I ask if there is a specific reason why you need your partners name to appear on our correspondence to you? There may be other ways that we can help.





1 Reply 17413 Views

I need my wife’s name on the bill for immigration purposes. If this can’t be done I suppose I’ll just have to replace my name with hers. How do I do that online?

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 17383 Views

Hi Medugorje117! 

Welcome to AGL Community! 


We can only have 1 account holder per energy supply and you have have as many authorised contact people on your account.


If you need to have your wife's name displayed on the bills, we can add her name to the care of section of the mailing address. Her name will be displayed under your name on your bills only, if you wish to get this updated, please click here on how you can update your account details. 


Kind regards, 





1 Reply 14948 Views

I have the same problem, but I cannot find the care of section of the mailing address that you said.

1 Reply 14693 Views

I have same pro , cant find care of section of the mailing address

1 Reply 14684 Views

@JJwu @aimee-127 @-Nam- 


Nam had a link in his message.


It was the word HERE. 


I have put the full link above, you can either copy this or simply click on the link and it will start a new web page for you.




Cheers Neil

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2 Replies 14482 Views

If I'm understanding OP and others who are having the same problem as me, we can all find the link just fine we're just struggling to find where the 'Care' section is to add our partners to the Mailing Address as Nam suggested, and it doesn't give too many details on that in the link provided, only how to edit Phone and Email.


I thought perhaps we're just meant to add it to the mailing address, but I can't find where to update that as it's not in Contact Details, even if you switch off eBilling.


Is this still an option?

0 Replies 14480 Views

As per the document in the link:

Update your personal details

To update or correct your mailing address, name, or date of birth, we need to first confirm your identity. For us to do this and then update your account, you can get in touch with us.


This means you have to contact AGL ....


I believe this has been done to protect your privacy



Cheers Neil

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AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 14464 Views

@tesstux , to have someone added to the Care Of section of your mailing address, you need to get in touch with us

You'd only have to do this if you need your partner's name to appear on your bill.