is there anyway to contact agl today 8th March 2020 via email at least

1 Reply 11739 Views

is there anyway to contact agl today 8th March 2020 via email at least

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 9244 Views

Hi @rollers . Today is the 8th of April. You can get in touch with us via the usual methods although there may be a longer wait time right now.


You can also log in to your My Account  and click "message us"

1 Reply 9241 Views

...many other organizations are at least offering a "chat" channel...  at least able to "speak" to someone

... phone contact fails and if i had my answer oneline ... i would not be doing this

...  surely there must be some interface with a agl representative   ...surely???

1 Reply 9239 Views

David_AGL...   need more info on "Message Us"

1 Reply 9236 Views

We're experiencing longer call wait times. If you'd rather not w ait on hold, you can  message us from your My Account overview page, between 8am - 8pm AEDT


131245......   fax noise

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 9231 Views

What would you like to know about the "Message us" function, @rollers ?

1 Reply 9228 Views

OK....   I want to CONTACT  someone who can look at my account

......if I have a problem   ...WHO can you CONTACT  !!!

......or we wait till Christmas when the government lets us all out


---  LIFE is still going on out here    ...i am not being impatient as i would have thought that agl  has the means to contact me...  i mean you was able to email ME

....not life or death query but    a query still the same    ...phillip

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 9222 Views

Hi @rollers . All three of the methods I mentioned in my first reply are available for you to contact us on.


  • Phone (there will be longer wait times)
  • Live chat
  • "Message us" feature on My Account page
1 Reply 9220 Views

ok...   tomorrow i will ring  131245 on mutiple times to test your suggestion

....i can NOT see any live chat link...  anywhere on my pages

..... and ditto for "message us"     ... i would even be happy to correspond by email  [which you have]

          I am Not a social media person          ....have we been pushed back to the stone age!!



AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 9193 Views

If you still have trouble getting through on the phone, the links to where you'll find the live chat and messaging options are both in my first response to this question.