NeilC's latest conversations

NeilC Powerhouse

Re: Obtaining refund of credit

@KathyLee, This is not the place to request this. Go to and call or message them.
41 Replies 0 Likes
NeilC Powerhouse

Re: No mobile phone cannot change plan without supplying a mobile number!!

@ExCustomer I would like to point out that in your account settings under "eBilling" it states 'Avoid paper bill fees and reduce paper use' by turning on eBilling, from memory it is about $1.50 per bill. Also AGL does not set any fee for payment through any method and actually warns you on your bill that:~ You may have to pay a fee of $3.20 (incl. GST) if you pay your bill in person at the Post Office. ^Payment processing fees may apply to the total payment amount (incl.GST) for debit cards - ...
5 Replies 0 Likes
NeilC Powerhouse

Re: No mobile phone cannot change plan without supplying a mobile number!!

@Natalie-AGL, CustomerX stated that they had Gas and Electricity accounts which does not make your reply applicable. Now I did some testing using our account. In an Australian standard phone number there is 10 digits, for a mobile it starts with 04 then has 8 more digits, for a home phone it is similar having an area code (2 digits) and then a 8 digit home number. The authentication that AGL uses to confirm that it is a mobile number is simply that the number starts with 04 and has a total of 1 ...
5 Replies 0 Likes
NeilC Powerhouse

Re: solar panel output being restricted

@Kev_1 Like others on this post it would be good if you produced the end result. One thing I can say is that the issue must be resolved as you have not made any more posts.
16 Replies 0 Likes