MK10 Smart meter codes

3 Replies 1421 Views

We have had a MK10 meter installed when you read it there are four codes, 03, 13, 04 ,14. Can any tell me what the stand for. Our hot water power is on a separate meter so controlled load is not one of them. I think 03 is General Power used and 13 is solar export. What 04 & 14 are for I have no idea.

0 Replies 1400 Views


The codes you see on your MK10 meter (03, 13, 04, 14) generally indicate specific statuses or alarms related to the meter's operation. Code 03 usually signals a power failure alarm, while code 13 indicates a voltage tolerance error. Code 04 represents a clock failure, and code 14 denotes clubpilates reverse power flow. It's important to refer to the user manual for your MK10 meter or contact the manufacturer or your utility provider for precise information and guidance on troubleshooting any issues. This should help clarify the meaning of these codes.

1 Reply 1409 Views
1 Reply 1386 Views

Thanks Lester I think for me 03 is total General Power and 13 is solar export. Wha o4 and 14 are I have no idea.

1 Reply 1373 Views

Do 03 and 14 have anything in there ?

If so, the same numbers as 03 and 13 ?

There might be total cumulative stored in those, in case the meter is reset for any reason on the 03 and 13 registers.

1 Reply 1348 Views

Lester these are the readings

03  3714.6

04  1099

14  844.6

13  6585.9

Any suggestions ?

1 Reply 1330 Views

There is scant info on all the meters online Garry, I (and I'm sure others) have searched numerous times for codes, meanings, which I think can be programmed by the electricity supply company to suit the local country's / even state retailers charging needs.


I have an Atlas Mark Mk10A, which does 2 way metering for solar, 3 phase, mine alternates a few times between date and AEST, then shows 03 usage, then 13 solar feed in, then back to date / time.

That's it.


My Mk7 is for CL on the HWS, and has many more, some like yours, but most with a zero reading, as follows.

Date / time

03 - zero, obviously this meter can record normal usage too.

13 - zero, again can record solar feed too.

07 - CL reads CL usage since install Nov 2023.

43 - zero, not sure what this is for normally.

53 - CL reading, same as 07, could be a cumulative read if 07 is reset, or vice versa ?

04 - zero

14 - zero


WIth your readings, there seems no obvious reasoning behind the numbers, they aren't cumulative if your meter ever reset, as they are lower than the normal readings.



1 Reply 1326 Views

Thanks for sharing your detailed insights! It’s fascinating how different meters, even within the same brand, can display such varied codes and functions. Your Mk10A setup sounds straightforward with its date, AEST, and clear readings for usage and solar feed-in. Meanwhile, the Mk7's broader set of codes and seemingly redundant readings, like 07 and 53 for CL usage, can definitely make things confusing.

It’s true that the programming often depends on the electricity provider’s configurations to suit local requirements, which adds to the complexity. Codes like 43 and 04 are a mystery—maybe they’re placeholders for functions not activated in your setup? It would be great if electricity providers or manufacturers provided a universal guide to these codes. OneBloodRewards

Hopefully, more people with similar setups can chime in to help decode these readings! Have you tried reaching out to your provider or the meter manufacturer for a detailed guide? They might have insights specific to your configuration. 

0 Replies 1319 Views

Not sure if the 04 / 14 registers might have something to do with demand tariff (if one is on this too), as suggested by someone n the thread I linked in a post 6 messages back.

I don't think so.


The AGL rep Jayden first stated :

These codes correspond with the following descriptions:

  • 04 - Excess energy consumed by customer
  • 14 - Excess energy exported by customer

Then a few posts later posted :

These identifiers correspond with the following descriptions:

  • 03 - Excess energy consumed by customer
  • 13 - Excess energy exported by solar system
  • 07 - Total energy consumed by customer’s hot water
  • 43 - This register should record zero
  • 53 - Total Excess energy consumed by customer
  • 63 - Total Excess energy exported by solar system

Which I assume means if the meter is ever reset on 03 or 13, the 53 and 63 registers will continue recording.

53 at least corresponds with my CL meter Mk7, with the 07 and 53 matching for HWS usage.


Possibly 53 totals all usage as a cumulative where one meter does normal and CL circuits, possibly even solar feed in too in some cases.

Not sure why I had to have 2 meters put in (might have been 3 phase setup), just clutters the cabinet.

The old HWS timer was much smaller than the new Mk7A, which is about same size as the new Mk10D for main usage and solar feed.


Super Nova
0 Replies 1251 Views



What I used to do, before the meter was changed, was to write down all the numbers as they scrolled through.

Some screens were just Date and Time, supply Voltage, etc.

Then compare the values with the last bill. The numbers will be a bit higher than the last readings, but close.


In my case the Peak and Shoulder rise very little, the Off Peak a bit and the Feed In a lot more.