Caban's latest conversations

Caban Super Nova

Re: Off Peak Vs Time of Use.

@profdraper The battery I have is LTO (Lithium Titanate) which is much more stable than other Lithium Chemistries and not vulnerable to thermal runaway. It also has a greater longevity. The set I have are under warranty for 20 years, so will still be covered when Musk Walls need to be replaced.
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Caban Super Nova

Re: Off Peak Vs Time of Use.

@profdraper Only thing I would add is that maybe consider avoiding Tesla or other battery systems with a relatively short life. Batteries designed for cars trade off longevity in favor of weight. Makes sense in a car but less on a house, which does not move. They do have a bit of a cost advantage as they have economy of scale, but you still have to spread their cost (and carbon penalty) over the estimated life of the product. So a slight increase of initial purchase price over 50+ Years is a be ...
11 Replies 0 Likes
Caban Super Nova

Re: Quite a shock to see electricity prices in the Aussie states

@TraceyJand @Lester [Monty Python 4 Yorkshire-men Men Mode] I dream of a Supply Charge of $1.02 a day [/Monty Python 4 Yorkshire-men Men Mode] In the days of yore, the supply charge was negligible. This was a time when our grid was all state owned. The cost was mainly in the energy used. When the system was sold cheaply to political mates privatised the supply charges were increased to cover the distribution costs. They soon learned that the punters were more focused on the unit costs of energy ...
7 Replies 0 Likes
Caban Super Nova

Re: What are your best power-saving tips? $$$

The part of the system inside the house can be turned off with the remote. This is what is called "Turning Off" and it is assumed that the unit now does not consume any power. This is true for the inside section. The outside part can be different. When it is turned off from inside some models still continue to consume power due to the presence of a Crank Heater. If this is in your model then the only way to turn it off is at the circuit breaker on the switchboard. This can be done if the unit wi ...
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