Landis+Gyr E355 smart meter failed, ongoing bill estimates and how do I read this meter?

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AGL arranged for Intellihub to instal a smart meter Landis-GYR E355 in April 2022. It was in September 2022 that I realised the bills that followed were estimates, and the usage was much higher than we had ever used. I raised the issue in September 2022 and again in November 2022. In early January 2023 a technician from Intellihub was sent who reset the smart meter and told me that it hadn't been working but was now and they would send the updated data to AGL to have our bills corrected. I'm still waiting for our bills to be reconciled and AGL staff keep saying that it will happen 'next week'. Last week AGL reversed and reapplied our bills from September 2022, didnt do anything to the earlier period, and didnt change the usage or cost . I have downloaded the usage file and can see that we have code E (estimate) for 1 April 2022, then 23 April 2022 to 1 May 2022, from 25 July 2022 to 15 January 2023 (the day that Intellihub came to see us) and back on estimate from 20 January 2023. I am concerned that this means the smart meter worked for 5 whole days before it failed again on 20 January 2023. I went to look at the meter and take a photo of the current reading but don't know how to operate it. I left it alone being concerned I might corrupt things if I fiddle. No where can I find any information about how to operate the meter that was supplied and the E355 meter isn't on the AGL page where they give instruction about how to read a meter. We have paid every estimated bill despite the gross overcharging that I am convinced has occurred.  Reading the neighbourhood pages it seems that our experience is that of many other AGL clients. Our monthly billing period ends today and I want to know the actual reading on the meter so that I can compare it to the account when it is issued - can anyone help me read this meter please? If you have had this type of trouble did you succeed with AGL Resolutions, or was it necessary to approach the Ombudsman? Thank you, Jen.

1 Reply 3454 Views

I also am having similar problems. I was getting daily readings of my usage. Since my solar has been connected to the grid I  am getting estimates which are 10 times the size of my previous usage. I will have to wait until the end of this billing period then consider whether to cancel direct debit and fefuse payment until it is sorted. They keep telling me it will be fixed "tomorrow " but it seems tomorrow never comes.

2 Replies 3450 Views

Hi Coop1 - had a better experience today and pressed the Resolutions Team today to contact Intellihub who say they had already identified that our meter was offline. It seems Intellihub monitor the meters they instal and our unit was already flagged for attention, though I don't believe there was any urgency on the Intellihub side. Anyway, AGL have arranged for Intellihub to send another technician who will reconnect or replace the faulty meter (sigh). I hope you receive the support that you need, thank you again. 

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Hi Minnow. Glad you are getting a positive response. I hope I can get a
similar one. I've been with AGL a long time and I would rather not switch
providers. But I'm not going to pay a $1000 bill when I should be in
credit with these longer days at this time of year. I wish you well👍
AGL Moderator
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Hi @Minnow,


Thanks for getting in touch and letting us know about your experience. It sounds like our Resolutions team is already looking into this for you. If you need further help, please do not hesitate to contact us again.


Kind Regards,
