Strange gas usage and meter reading

3 Replies 32840 Views

Can anybody please tell me where the decimal should be between these black and red numbers? I have taken a photo of my unit's hot water gas meter, which reads 02402145 (see below).  Per AGL website I would read 240.2145 but the bill said is 100 times this figure and then multiple by 10, so it is 1000 times the reading?


Total usage for 31 days per the bill I received is 7767MJ . We just have 2 adults and one small kid in an old unit. It is quite surprise and ridiculous that we could use so much hot water in 31 days and we dun use dishwashing machine and wash the dishes with cold water, the major usage is just shower.


Besides, in my first bill, the usage MJ for both gas meters are exactly the same, I feel strange on that. 


Any help would be appreciated.



AGL Moderator
2 Replies 32826 Views

Hi nev,


With this particular meter it’s the black and white number and the first two red numbers.


So the meter reading is 24021.45, if you enter this in it should be accepted.


If you have any issues, reach out via messenger you can do this either via My Account or the AGL App.

1 Reply 32821 Views

otal usage for 31 days per the bill I received is 7767MJ . We just have 2 adults and one small kid in an old unit. It is quite surprise and ridiculous that we could use so much hot water in 31 days and we dun use dishwashing machine and wash the dishes with cold water, the major usage is just shower.



We just use 85MJ for gas for cooking. While and your suggested 5 people average energy is 1900MJ, while you charge us 7767MJ with just 2people+small kid. There should be something wrong with your calculations.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 32803 Views

Hi nev,


I appreciate your concern with the bill.


So we can review this matter further please reach out via messenger or over the phone via the below link. We will be able to discuss the bill further with you and ensure it is all correct.


0 Replies 32775 Views
AGL Moderator
1 Reply 32739 Views

Hi Nev,


Thank you for contacting us.


Yes that is right you would enter it as 240.


If you need further assistance please contact us here through your AGL app.


Kind Regards,



1 Reply 32451 Views

Hi Kalia,


I have the same problem and my meter reading includes the first two red digits as a whole number instead of decimals - and of course this is my biggest gas bill forever... I questioned the Jemena and customerreads team and they said this is the right way to read the meter. So I think something wrong in the formulas to calculating the MJs from the readings..........


Not sure where we can go to and find the readings usage and more details about the calculations.




AGL Moderator
0 Replies 32363 Views

Hi Jasonchen! 

Welcome to AGL Community! 

You can find further information on how the calculations are worked out here:


Kind regards, 



1 Reply 24955 Views


I was wondering where do I get the probe connected to the wire that plugs into the meter as my one has broken?



AGL Moderator
0 Replies 24952 Views

Hi JimQ, thanks for being part of the AGL Community.


I would recommend contacting us directly so we can send a contractor to the premise and fix this issue. Please get in touch via AGL Messenger, via the APP or My Account online. You can also find other ways to contact us here.


Kind Regards,
