Energy Plans

2 Replies 1596 Views

I also received the email informing me that my Value Saver plan is ending and I’m being changed to the Core Plan.

I have compared the prices (the link is in the email just FYI) and it is horrifying. 
Supply charge for both is increasing markedly and the unit price increase is ridiculous. 
I’m in SA which has the most expensive energy prices in the country! Forget Katy Perry, Malinauskus…. Use your dubious skills to help us afford our utilities.

AGL Moderator
2 Replies 1574 Views

Hi Scottie68,


Thank you for reaching out.


The current plan term for the Value Saver plan is 12 months, if your previous plan is due to expire we suggest you visit our website to view our available plans


You can swap your energy plan via our website or you can chat to one of our friendly advisors


Kind regards,



0 Replies 1571 Views

"I’m in SA which has the most expensive energy prices in the country! Forget Katy Perry, Malinauskus…. Use your dubious skills to help us afford our utilities."


Yep, we are far and away the dearest power state in the dearest country in general for electricity.

On par with CA (USA) prices.


And the strange thing is with numerous 'competitors' they are all about the same, give or take a little on tariffs and / or supply charges.

Comparing on link > energy made easy govco site is recommended at least annually, but when I checked various options almost a year ago, there was little difference between the many there.

1 Reply 1570 Views

I have spoken with a customer representative and been sent an email with link to change my plans. The  customer rep advised me to change plans on 3/11 (gas) and 9/11 (electric) so that I am charged the new Value Saver rates from these dates. 
However the initial email advised that I would automatically be changed to the Core Plan on 13/11. Can I trust this will no longer happen once I have made the change at beginning of November as instructed?? 

1 Reply 1486 Views

I received email advising me that my Value Saver Plan is ending 12th November 2024 and I will be put on the Core Plan which is way more expensive. When I look at the other Plans available today on 12th Oct 2024 the Core Plan is not even listed on there. So why I being moved to much more expensive Plan, when I should by default stay on the cheaper Value Saver Plan?


Sounds like you just want to charge customers more hoping that no-one bothers reading the email that their current plan has ended and put them on a way more expensive plan or is the Value Saver Plan no longer going to be available after November 2024?


If it is no longer going to be available then I will defiantly be changing power companies as an extra $500 I will be charged over 12months is a lot of money.

0 Replies 1479 Views

The Value Saver plan is still available from Nov, but the unit prices and supply charges are more expensive than the current Value Saver. However they are still cheaper than the Core Plan (thankfully). 

1 Reply 927 Views

Had a very similar experience - a very disingenuous way of doing business. I am switching providers after a very long association

0 Replies 923 Views

All energy retailers have the same sort of confusing plan rates and charges Gav, before changing just make sure you compare properly for your particular household energy use, as I have e found AGL are at least among the lowest pricing. 
Things change though, after we eventually get a battery to go with our 12 month old solar, we might find it different, maybe even an Amber type company.