Questions and discussion about AGL's Energy plans and your AGL Energy account
Hi All,
I don't understand why we are being charged the Demand Charge rate for the worst day for the billing period across the entire period.
Doesn't it make more sense to apply that on a daily basis?
For example, if someone turns on the kettle, toaster and then a heater on one of the days of my billing period, I get charged as if I did that everyday.
My demand on the power grid was only applicable on that one day, so it makes sense to do this on a daily basis.
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I don't know how you have decided that Demand is a better offer.
Have all the data since I joined AGL and could not justify having a Demand Tariff.
My housemate has no understanding of electricity or how to use it. I have tried to explain to her about it but she just ignores it.
For instance she might decide to cook something, even there is no sun (very cloudy) she will cook, ask her about it and she says we have solar I am using it. (Does not take into consideration that there is no Sun and the Heat Pump Hot water service is already running, it's timer is set to start from 10:30 so we get to hotwater for free most days).
We only use around 5kWh per day but she can still get to a rate of 1.8 kWh if we had Demand Tax.
Above is my projected quarterly bill for my current usage (17 days into bill), my demand rate would be 1.8kWh (.9 * 2) if I was to take that option and used 30min reads.
You can see why I have no interest in a Demand Rate as it would COST ME MORE THAN $105 a Quarter or $420 a year.
I wonder if you can show me how you made your decision?
Now just in case you are really interested, I have access to my 5min Readings, for those my peak was .302kW, so to get the hourly rate I multiply by 12 to get a demand charge of 3.624kWh.
That would mean
Yep I can see the savings there....... much rather pay $292 rather than $135
Of course being in SA I am showing you the most expensive rates in Australia (the demand rate including GST is $0.3505 per kWh and would be paying $0.4067 for usage) and only getting $0.05 per kWh for generation.
By the way AGL changed my meter to report in 5min intervals on the 7th October 2022 and did not inform me of the change or the reason why.
I don't know if you process the file that AGL has a link to on your Usage Page but I do, I have not added a demand figure to my program yet but once the file is processed I can do =max(range) and get the result (Peak period applies 4pm - 9pm daily).
Now if you want to PM me, I can run your file and do a what if analysis of your data (up to two years ago) and you can see for your self if you are really benefitting from demand rates compared to say Peak, Off peak, Shoulder or even a standard single rate.
Yet you lot on the East Coast are complaining about the cost of electricity.
Lets see how you go when the next few of your power stations close down.
Good luck on your WHINGE about paying too much.
Thanks for allowing me to waste my time on you.
You did not answer my Questions but I did answer your questions.
I gave you my reply based on the only rates I have.
I'm on a demand tariff after I got 6.6 kw of solar added, I didn't ask to be on a demand tariff just had no choice. This isn't China we are not a communist state, choice is freedom of speech. To me the calculation for demand tariff is nothing less than a total rip off. I could be on holiday for 30 days of the month then return on day 31 use power to heat and cook on that day during the time of 4-9 pm and then get charged for the entire month when I never used any power during demand. If that is not a rip off then I don't know what is. Choice choice choice we have none and that is not right.
I don't know what state you are in but I suggest that you look at other plans if you wish to stay with AGL
Solar Savers may suit you if you don't want to have a single tariff.
This is a Neighbourhood and as such anyone can answer.
You can decide on a new plan and then change to it using either the App or the Web interface.
Would suggest that you also ring and complain to AGL about the Plan they put you on and you should be able to get that reversed.
By the way even if you did not use any power during the period you still get charged a minimum demand charge of 1kW (that is 2kwh) for each day anyway.
Demand tariff should only be applied to businesses as it was introduced to ENCOURAGED to reduce their usage in demand peak hours.
Hi @Johnmollenhauer & @NeilC
Thank you for your replies. I'm in NSW.
I went back to AGL and they told me that it wasn't them that put me on to Demand pricing, it was Ausgrid.
Ausgrid quickly told me that I just needed to ask AGL to contact Ausgrid and tell them that I wanted to go back to Time-of-Day pricing.
When I told AGL this.... they did it!!
In simple terms, Demand Pricing for residential is just a rort!!
Hi @Crusty
I was looking in the Energex Website and found this:
The default network tariff that is applied to your premises after a smart meter is installed is the Residential Transitional Demand Tariff (see table below), therefore retailers may also move you to a demand tariff. However, a time of use energy network tariff is also available - you may wish check with your retailer if they offer a retail time of use energy tariff, if you think a demand-based tariff is not suitable for your household.