Giff's latest conversations

Giff Super Charger

Re: Demand Tarrif calculations

Hi @Crusty I was looking in the Energex Website and found this: The default network tariff that is applied to your premises after a smart meter is installed is the Residential Transitional Demand Tariff (see table below), therefore retailers may also move you to a demand tariff. However, a time of use energy network tariff is also available - you may wish check with your retailer if they offer a retail time of use energy tariff, if you think a demand-based tariff is not suitable for your househ ...
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Giff Super Charger

Re: Demand Tarrif Should be Charged Daily

Hi @Johnmollenhauer & @NeilC Thank you for your replies. I'm in NSW. I went back to AGL and they told me that it wasn't them that put me on to Demand pricing, it was Ausgrid. Ausgrid quickly told me that I just needed to ask AGL to contact Ausgrid and tell them that I wanted to go back to Time-of-Day pricing. When I told AGL this.... they did it!! In simple terms, Demand Pricing for residential is just a rort!! Cheers giff
43 Replies 0 Likes
Giff Super Charger

Re: Demand Charge

Hi @Lindley & @Gerard109 The Demand Charge is actually separate from your usage charge. These are the definitiions from the AGL site for a NSW customer: Residential Demand Tariff: Demand charges are based on the load you place on the electricity network. It is measured over 30-minute intervals during the demand time period. The highest measure is used to calculate your demand charge for the entire billing month. High-season Demand - From 2 pm to 8 pm on working weekdays during 1 November to 3 ...
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Giff Super Charger

Re: Time Power turned off

If you have a smart meter then you could download your usage data. Then, if you have some devices consuming electricity, e.g. TV's on standby, then you can look for half hourly interval with no consumption.
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