Demand Tarrif Should be Charged Daily

5 Replies 161271 Views

Hi All,


I don't understand why we are being charged the Demand Charge rate for the worst day for the billing period across the entire period.

Doesn't it make more sense to apply that on a daily basis?

For example, if someone turns on the kettle, toaster and then a heater on one of the days of my billing period, I get charged as if I did that everyday.

My demand on the power grid was only applicable on that one day, so it makes sense to do this on a daily basis.

1 Reply 5980 Views
  1. Agree with you it's a cheep way to get riped off I believe I am getting that from the start
AGL Moderator
2 Replies 5979 Views

Hi @schmidtronald24,


Thanks for getting in touch! Distributors across the country have moved to a more cost reflective structure meaning that customers with smart meters have been moved to Demand tariff or Time of Use tariff. This is designed to take the pressure off the grid at times when the demand is highest. 


We are always happy to check that you're on the best plan that we have available, so that you're receiving lowest rates for your tariff. You can also check with us what tariff options are available in your Distribution area, if the tariff that you're on doesn't work for you. We are here to help, so feel free to contact us any time.






2 Replies 5979 Views
You are not looking after me you are looking after you you have more than
doubled my cost I am been riped off and it's at the ombudsman
0 Replies 5968 Views

I agree with you I feel I'm being ripped off also.

Control load power comes on 3 times a day with the new smart meter installed (which I did not ask for) when it only came on 2 times on the old digital meter.

Being home all day as a retired home owner I turn the control load circuit breaker off for up to 3 or 4 days to break the cycle of the new meter.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 5942 Views

Hi @schmidtronald24, I can take a look to make sure that you are being billed correctly for you, i'm just going to send you a private message as we will need to look at your account.


1 Reply 5925 Views

While my cynicism is bubbling to the surface, I will wait and see what my next bill looks like.

After calling (and moving past the overseas call centre), and speaking to a seemingly knowledgable local representative, a couple of things became a tad more clear.  Firstly, and I'm sure its in the fine print somewhere, AGL are discontinuing the additional 5c/kw feed in tariff (on top of the state government's 44c), that was used as an incentive to lure customers in. 

Secondly the gentleman stated that this "max 30 minute period hit" was in force from 4:00pm - 9:00pm. He suggested running the pool pump, washing machine, drier, oven etc outside these times. 


AGL Moderator
0 Replies 5895 Views

Hi @bknig30,


Welcome to AGL Neighbourhood! It sounds like our customer service team has looked after you already with this enquiry. If you need further help, please feel free to let us know.




1 Reply 5876 Views

There is much confusion about how and what’s included in the DEMAND PENALTY.

I have been billed for 7 months now, May thru November and the calculation is the same.

Each month the highest usage rate for that month is identified and the calcs start…..

Usage identified kWh X 2 X applicable rate $0.1124/kWh X number of days in that specific month. 
eg. usage 3.26kWh  X  2  X  $0.1124  X  30 days = $21.98 for the specific month.

All billing’s are calculated the same with all days being treated as equal to the max for the month.

To rub salt into the wound, I was away for one month, however came home for one night cooked a meal, racked up a usage figure for the half hour, charged 30 days at that one off time usage rate.

Furthermore with the so-called SMART METER one can see the half hour usage rates and match the used rate for the DEMAND PENALTY. All but for two rates used which were higher. I was unable to confirm the rate used.


Then there is the issue of when usage rates are assigned to the start and finish times of 16:00 and 21:00. I have been caught with thinking at 15:59 and 21:01 are outside the PENALTY time frame, but NO. The app data shows that usages up to and after the nominated times is questionable if it is included in the DEMAND PENALTY PERIOD.


With SMART METERS actual usage can be billed with ease, an algorithm can do that with all the data collected from your household.

1 Reply 5878 Views

No ! I have been charged the 8kWh scenario 7 times now

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 5866 Views

Hi @Johnmollenhauer,


Welcome to AGL Neighbourhood! Thank you for providing feedback about the Demand tariff. Tariffs are set by Distributors and not something that we can change. Current Demand tariff is designed to take the pressure off the grid at the busiest times when the demand is high. 


You may have an option to opt out of Demand tariff and change to another tariff type. If this is something that you may be interested in exploring, you can contact us via one of our platforms listed here.  


Kind Regards,
