schmidtronald24's latest conversations

schmidtronald24 Semiconductor

Re: Demand Tarrif Should be Charged Daily

You are not looking after me you are looking after you you have more thandoubled my cost I am been riped off and it's at the ombudsman
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schmidtronald24 Semiconductor

Re: Demand Tarrif Should be Charged Daily

Agree with you it's a cheep way to get riped off I believe I am getting that from the start
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schmidtronald24 Semiconductor

Re: Demand Tarrif Should be Charged Daily

If agl. they need to rid themselves of high peek power AMD only charge what people use.Agl. Has been warned of our separation if my power bill is to high.They think once in always in.No you don't double ones power bill over nightsa.power networks need a talking to also for the meter installed I won't pay for and didn't wantI am here and true Tassie and partner Ron orroroo
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