Solar monitoring cost

1 Reply 35158 Views

Why is there a charge to monitor the Solar energy I use now I have solar panels, but when I was paying in full for power my monitoring was free? Seems like a sneaky way to claw back any tiny, lost profit to me. 

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 6477 Views

Hi dimastro,


This page will show you the quantity of power that your import from the grid and also export to the grid. You can drill down on these figures to hourly intervals.


If you would like to know how much power you your system has generated overall, then you may be best served referring directly to your inverter.


Hopefully this helps!







0 Replies 6423 Views

Hi Jay,  Which page are you referring to that shows


"the quantity of power that your import from the grid and also export to the grid. You can drill down on these figures to hourly intervals"


I have been trying to get AGL to show me this for over 3 years but all I get is power imported FROM the grid, and nothing about power exported TO the grid and I certainly cannot 'drill down' as it only show daily power usage.


Just last week an AGL rep told me that no one sees solar production graphical data and the only way to see any data is by viewing the raw spreadsheet data. Just numbers, no graphs and no 'drilling down'.


Can to explain this to me?