Joined the AGL VPP? We want to talk to you!

AGL Community Manager
4 Replies 5822 Views

We are conducting a study on AGL’s Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) and would value your input. We're interested in your awareness, understanding, and interests related to our VPP services, and any experiences you may have had with them.


The study involves a 45-minute online interview taking place between 25 May and 2 June with our research partners Arteri. During this session, we'll explore your thoughts and experiences, whether you're well-versed in VPPs or just learning about them.


As a thank you, we're offering a $100 digital MasterCard voucher which can be spent as you wish. Your participation will provide valuable insights that will directly contribute to improving our VPP service for customers like yourself.


Interested? Please comment below, or contact and suggest a day and time that suits you for the interview.

1 Reply 5793 Views


AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 5775 Views

That's great @niajp , I'll pass your details on to the team!

1 Reply 5740 Views

I’m sorry I missed this. I only saw on response to your looking for participants but maybe I only saw the last one before the end date for responses passed.


If for some unfathomable reason you are still short of a good sized sample I’m still available.


(I add that I was prepared to participate for nothing until I saw the offer, but then I saw I’d missed the cutoff date. On reflection, I feel I still am.)


Some background -


I’ve been an AGL Gas customer for 27 years, and a shareholder through my self managed super fund for about 20.


I converted to being an electrical connection AGL customer as well about 5 years ago as a first step in preparing for the time when I’d electrify everything.


Since then we have a Solahart 21 panel system on referral by AGL, then a Powerwall 2 from AGL direct with participation in AGL’s VPP plan, then a Solahart Heat Pump HWS on referral by AGL, and most lately the supply of a WallBox 22 kW EV charger direct from AGL. If AGL were to set up to supply, install and hook up Induction Cook Tops and Electric Wall Ovens I’d be exploring those items as well.

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 5730 Views

Hi @gps2119  - Great to hear from you! I'll pass this on and check in with the team to see if they're still looking, but rest assured even if they're sorted for this round of interviews, we're always very keen to hear feedback and engage with users of the VPP. 

The VPP team read and respond to discussions here on Neighbourhood, so you can always feel free to drop us a line with questions or to share your experience.

0 Replies 5598 Views

Count me in please 

0 Replies 4002 Views

Hi ,

how VPP cost