Show contract expiry dates online and in the AGL app

13 Replies 17053 Views

As we all know, if you let your contract lapse, you often end up paying much higher prices.


However there is no way of viewing your contract expiry date on the website or in the app.


The only way to find your contract expiry date is either -

1) find the original welcome pack (which may be outdated/incorrect, due to subsequent contract changes, extensions etc.)

2) call and speak to someone at AGL


Please add this information online and in the app to save everyone time and money, including the AGL call centre staff.


Why can’t our contracts for both gas and electricity be seen on agl app?

AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Good Idea, Vote!
AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Investigating

Still investigating David?

AGL Community Manager

Hi @Tutock  - thanks for your interest. Yes, we're actively looking at making this kind of plan info more accessible. In the near future we'll be making it easier to view your plan directly from your overview page on My Account, and we're looking into whether this can include expiry and plan duration.  


Seriously mate, the OP was 2019! You've done nothing for four years to make it easier for customers to know when their contract expires. 

AGL Community Manager

Hi @Tutock , I understand the frustration. Unfortunately sometimes seemingly simple changes can require significant development work on the backend, and need to be weighed against other priorities for limited development resources as well. The My Account team are looking into this, and I'll keep you updated here.


Are they limited development resources because you don't want to take away from the record profits to improve the customer experience? 

Look forward to your reply in 4 years time to say you're still looking into it. @David_AGL 

AGL Community Manager

@Tutock AGL's most recently posted result was a $1.1 billion loss rather than a record profit, but regardless I think it's always fair to be asking these kinds of questions. I'll let you know as soon as I hear some detail on the required path to implementing this feature - thanks again for your input.


Please update the accounts documents so that the Start date and End date on plans are readily displayed for easy access to the customer. 


When a new plan is entered into and the Plan Summary is posted/email/forwarded to the customer - simply post (as well) to my AGL account - for easy access at any time.

This will certainly save lengthy delays for the customer who has to phone in to confirm this information as it is not available on My Account.

PLUS - it will save time and resources for the AGL call centre staff to be free to deliver service in quality time frames.

many thanks.