Provider change for NBN

1 Reply 151 Views

Hi! A while ago we changed from Dodo to AGL and had no issues with the service until our wifi disconnected spoke with agl they reinstated the connection but now my modem isn’t picking up an internet connect. I used the chat with AGL online and TPLink and what I’ve gathered is I need to reconfigure the modem, I’ve changed the password and user but that doesn’t seem to be enough for a connection. Can anyone help pls? I’m going on day 2 of no internet and it’s driving my kids crazy! 

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 118 Views

Hi @Rheannan 
I am so sorry to hear this has been ongoing for the last couple of days, can't begin to imagine how frustrating this will be for you.
With modem configurations, if this modem is not one of our modems, configurations can be tricky as we wouldn't have access to view the configurations from our end.
However, if this TP-Link modem, is one of ours we will be able to configure the modem from our end and we will be able to make sure all the settings in the modem are correct.
You mentioned the modem isn't picking up the wifi, if you have the wifi lights on the modem, and you can't connect the devices to the wifi, we can change the DNS settings within the modem to help the connectivity.
Please give us a call on 131245, or contact us on our live chat platform.
Thank you, Sheena
AGL Telecommunications