Internet connection dropouts

1 Reply 74 Views

Hi there, 


So, a few months ago I had this problem in which my internet connection would just suddenly drop out with no explanation why. Did everything you can possibly think of to try and fix this issue myself before having to call out a technician from AGL to have a look at the NBN connection to the house. Keep in mind that it took nearly three weeks to actually get someone to come out to do the job or even show up. Not to mention the days off from work I wasted spent doing absolutely everything including but not limited to, swapping out the NBN router, swapping over the Eeros modem with 4 other modems, purchasing all new cables, I even asked all my neighbors if they were having any internet connection dropouts. I have had enough of it.  

Do not waste my time and aggravate me even further by asking me to do any trouble-shooting options because I can assure you that if you can think of it. It has already been done at least three times over.


the only words I want to hear or see next is how you can organize to have a technician sent out to fix this again. 

Otherwise consider this your final warning for a breach of terms for my contract by AGL. 



AGL Moderator
0 Replies 65 Views

Hi @Mazza_4122 
I am so sorry to hear you've been facing issues with your internet connection for the last 3 weeks, definitely can't begin to imagine how frustrating this would be for you.

I would like to advise we would need you to give us a call on 131245, or chat to us on our live chat platform for further assistance.

You mentioned you don't want to do any troubleshooting, however when you contact us, we can go through the notes and make sure everything has been done on our end.

Thank you, Sheena
AGL Telecommunications