Router Settings

1 Reply 303 Views

Hello, I'm using a BYO router to go with a pre-existing NTD modem and am having problems properly setting it up. 

Other than PPPoe I feel like I'm just guessing the settings. This has lead to very intermittent wifi connection, I sometimes have connection but when I look into the router it states it isn't connected to the internet. 


How do I find out whether my connection is ADSL or VDSL? 

Should I be using VLAN ID?

VPI?   VCI?  


1 Reply 292 Views

AGL informed me that my property is FTTP if thats relevant 

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 275 Views

Hi @LD6174 
I really value you reaching out to us in regard to this.
In regard to the modem configuration it will be different to your previous provider, I will advise with the connection it will be VDSL or EWAN as you mentioned you are on FTTP.
With the VLAN ID, we won't have that information unless you were to contact us on 131245, or on our live chat platform
I strongly suggest you contact us so we can provide you with the correct information to getting your internet connected with us.
Thank you, Sheena
AGL Telecommunications

1 Reply 219 Views

Thanks Sheena, I managed to just guess the right settings and now have stable and reliable internet. 

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 191 Views

Hi @LD6174 
Thank you for sharing this with me.

I will advise if you need any further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Thank you, Sheena
AGL Telecommunications