Eero Faulty?

2 Replies 6323 Views

I've had my Eero since signing up with AGL about 6 months ago

I have a fair few smart devices connected which initially was working fine 

However in the last 2 months certain devices are no longer accessible, namely security cams, but are still showing as connected to the network and online

Initially thought was camera issue, but upon obtaining a replacement its still occurring

I've tried speaking to tech support but because my internet is connected they can't assist further. I'm adamant there's some sort of issue or setting blocking its conne tion

I'm paying off the router + extender atm but I'm at my wits end trying to sort this out


Have hard reset/factory reset so many times in the last few weeks, including ALL my devices


Has anyone experienced issues similar to this? I prefer not to return it as it's a nifty device but if my security cams can't connect there's no point



AGL Moderator
0 Replies 4603 Views

Hi @YashaK 


Please ensure you have updated the eeros to the latest firmware, for help in updating, please visit: 
If the issue continues, please get in touch with our technical support team on 13 12 45, or by chatting to us through our website or app. 

Kind Regards, Hannah 

1 Reply 3310 Views

Hi, I have had problems with one of my eero's for the last couple of weeks and have spent about 5 hours on the phone to AGL.

Finally they agreed to send a new eero last week and told me to wait until it arrives and then return the faulty product.

I went on their chat line yesterday to enquire about (where is it) only to find it has not been dispatched yet.

It seems i am being fobbed off by AGL.

The faulty eero has an intermittent fault. If i reset it works for a day or so then wont connect my xbox and netflix wont load properly etc.

Luckily I have 2 units and am currently using the other eero but was using one as repeater so I currently have no internet to the other end of my house.

I may have to contact ACCC if they dont send me the replacement soon.

AGL Moderator
2 Replies 3278 Views

Hi @Ashley101 
I really appreciate you have contacted us in regard to this.
I am sorry to hear the experience you have had with us and feeling like you're being fobbed off, that is not what we attend to achieve.
We can make a couple changes to your connection as well which will allow the xbox to connect, as well as any streaming platforms.
I recommend you look at calling us today on 131 245, so we can have a look at the eero replacement and we will be able to see what we can do.
Thank you, Sheena
AGL Telecommunications

0 Replies 3277 Views
They have already made changes.

The xbox is working fine on one of the eeros but not the other.

one is faulty and one works ok.

therefore i need the faulty one exchanged.
1 Reply 3277 Views

They have already made changes. The xbox is working fine on one of the eeros but not the other. one is faulty and one works ok. therefore i need the faulty one exchanged.

AGL Moderator
2 Replies 3257 Views

Hi @Ashley101 
Thank you for reaching out to us again.
We would love to be able to assist you with the eero device.
If you can please give us a call on 131 245.
Thank you, Sheena
AGL Telecommunications

0 Replies 3256 Views
Aleady spent 5 hours plus on the phone, being fobbed off again.

It cant be fixed remotely as the fault is the eero.
1 Reply 3254 Views


When customers call 131245 we are on hold for a minimum of 30 minutes before anybody answers.

I have already called 3 times with the same issue it seemed resetting the eero would make it work for about a day or so.

They also changed DNS settings but still intermittent problems.

I found if I plugged my old Telstra modem in everything worked fine, so as suggested I plugged in the second eero as the main gateway and everything works.

If I plug in the original eero I go back to having issues.

I was told a new eero would be sent as there is a hardware problem and was emailed return documentation for the faulty to be sent back when I receive the replacement.

However apparently a new eero has not been dispatched as promised.

As you can see I am getting the complete runaround. Perhaps have someone call me and help with this issue.


AGL Moderator
2 Replies 3249 Views

Hi @Ashley101 
Unfortunately we are not able to schedule a call back.
You can contact us on our live chat platform and we can have a look at the account further for you and see what we can do to have a replacement eero sent out to you.
I can't image how frustrating this may have been for you, however this is the best I can advise that you contact us on out chat platform so we can assist further.
Thank you, Sheena
AGL Telecommunications