no Esim QR code in welcome email

3 Replies 766 Views

Hi,received welcom email,but no QR code in email.


AGL Moderator
0 Replies 738 Views

Hi Iceman,

Please give our escalations team a call on 131 245 Mon-Fri 8am-6pm so we can investigate what happened with your eSIM QR code


Thank you


1 Reply 632 Views

My email also didn’t have the e sim QR code, very poor start.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 618 Views

Hi @Darren068 
I appreciate you have reached out to us.
I am sorry to hear that you didn't get the QR code through your email.
If you can please call us on 131 245, or speak to us on our live chat platform, we will be able to assist further.
Thank you, Sheena
AGL Telecommunications

1 Reply 522 Views

I signed up on Tuesday and never received the QR.

I called today (Friday) and it was sent by email shortly afterwards.

I scanned it, went through the setup and there was an error and there is no eSim listed.

I called in, spoke to someone and he got the new one activated but it was not showing under eSims. Then I got disconnected from the call after about 25 minutes. 

Called someone else, also unable to help for over 35 minutes. I asked for a new eSim and they said it's $10. WTAF - I haven't even connected to the network and am left with no connection.  I asked for a supervisor (17:53) and was told they don't work after 18:00. Then at 18:04 I was kicked off.

Not a great start. Noisy call centres in India and the agents are pretty rude and keep interrupting. 

How it starts is how it ends - don't waste your time!

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 451 Views

Hi @AB2030 

We're truly sorry for the inconvenience and frustration you've experienced with our service. Your feedback is incredibly important to us, and we're committed to addressing the issues you've raised. 

Are you still requiring assistance?



AGL Telco. 

1 Reply 446 Views
After getting through to an Aus supervisor miracles happened. I was issued a new e-SIM (and billed $10 although I was promised it would be credited) which arrived a few hrs later and no surprises, it never worked. Back into the offshore call centre I went for almost an hour and they discovered there was an issue on the network preventing me from activating. All in all - I wasted 5 hrs on this. Anyone reading this - don't waste your time and energy with AGL (Optus). Their service is truly awful with call centres who have limited ability to assist, only operate in office hours and everything will take 24 - 48hrs (or even 5 days). This is honestly the worst onboarding experience I have ever had and will not be moving the rest of the family over.
AGL Moderator
1 Reply 421 Views

Hi @AB2030 

We're truly sorry for the inconvenience and frustration you've experienced with our service. Your feedback is incredibly important to us, and we're committed to addressing the issues you've raised. 


Thank you for letter us know, 

If you still require assistance, please reach out.



0 Replies 420 Views
I find that hard to believe as if it were important, you would have followed
up with a call to see how things were going after I specifically raised my
concerns with the supervisor agent where he assured me that would contact
me. Still waiting.