Smart meter usage in app

1 Reply 8298 Views

Our smart meter has been installed but no updated usage is showing online or in the app. Do I have to register the meter against my account, or in the app? I would like to apply the meter NMI against my account in the app, but can’t find where to do so. 

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 8287 Views

Hi @Viano  It's likely there'll be some delay between meter installation and your usage beginning to appear in the app. When was your smart meter installed?

1 Reply 8285 Views

Thanks for responding!!


Our meter was installed on Wednesday 15 July. The installer took me through the instructions to read the meter at the meter, and when I asked what I needed to do to see the usage on the app, he said that my account needed to have the NMI code of the meter assigned to it, but wasn’t sure where to do that.


Can you explain what happens? Is there not some way that I can do this, or must it be done for me?


Cheers and thanks!

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 8283 Views

I believe that should happen without any action needed from you, so it's probably just a matter of waiting for usage updates to start appearing. In my own personal experience, this took a bit over a week. If you want to confirm that the new NMI is associated with your account, I suggest you get in touch with customer service. The easiest way would be to log in to your account and then click Message Us.