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Questions and discussion about AGL's Energy plans and your AGL Energy account
I sent AGL a meter reading (electric) on 9/2/25
I received a bill and paid more than half the amount on 14/2
Then on 15/2 a contractor from ‘Skilltech’ tried to read my meter AGAIN as my address was on his ‘list’ - he could not do so, as I had covered the meter with a note stating that I had read the meter and received a bill. He informed me that he had entered ‘customer refused access’ into ‘the system’
What a joke.
I understand that this contractor was doing his job, but if AGL have already billed a customer then that address should no longer be subject to another reading.
In this wonderful age of technology how hard can it be????
There is an answer to getting correct bills every time, a smart meter.
I know. Almost everyone says "don't get one if you can avoid it" or "get one and you will be ripped off" etc.
Sure, if you get one you COULD get conned into going onto, or be put on, a TOU (time of use) type tariff, and for MANY, this could cost you a lot more . . . eg working families who use most power in peak times.
But many times you CAN have the option to have a smart meter and stay on single tariff, or single tariff with off peak or CL etc.
It all depends on the state / region supplier / retailer, so you have to check.
I guess it's worth asking IF you can stay on single tariff if you let AGL change you from an analogue meter to a digital meter, it's usually free to upgrade, as retailers want people on digital meters to reduce the need for meter reading, and be able to provide accurate billing.
You first point of inquiry is > Will AGL upgrade you to a digital meter free of charge ?
And if so, will AGL let you stay on single tariff with same type of off peak / CL times and rates you might have now ?
It's mandated that pretty much ALL electricity consumers in Australia on the NEM network will have a smart meter by 2030, so it will happen soon anyway for those consumers in all mainland states and territories except WA and the NT.
Subject: Request for Smart Meter Reconfiguration to Be Done Online
Dear AGL,
I have been informed that the cost for someone to visit my property is $191, or $13 if the reconfiguration is done online. Since I have a smart meter, I am requesting that the reconfiguration be completed online, as there is no need for an in-person visit.
I have also sent an email stating that I will not be paying the $191 fee, as the reconfiguration should be done online due to the smart meter's capabilities.
Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to a resolution.
Kind regards,
This might be the website link to that meter on the manufacturers page.
If your meter is setup to communicate back to the energy supplier, then every read should be actual.
The supplier then gives AGL the data, and they use it to bill you. as well as update data for the past 2 years to your download file, available for each day by approx end of the following day.
I'm not familiar with your digital meter, but you might find it's just a cumulative total kwh used on the readout, which would see the previous period reading deducted from the new total, to give the period usage in kwh.
That's how our Atlas digital meters are.
On your bill with single tariff (flat rate) do you see new total less previous period total ?
That would be handy to ensure billing is right, but digital meters are rarely wrong.
We don't get those meter totals (new and last bill kwh) since the change from analogue metering, just the total kwh for each TOU (time of use) segment for the quarter, there is limited ways to check correct billing with TOU tariff.
You should be able to download your data from the AGL website dashboard account page when logged in, 2 years is supposed to be provided by all power retailers, some by self download, others will email out data, but AGL system is pretty good with that on the portal.
Hi Renmarkali,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
We’re truly sorry to hear about your experience. I want to clarify that metering configuration charges aren’t hidden costs—they only apply when you install solar panels and need your meter to work both ways. The pricing for reconfiguration can vary depending on the meter coordinator or the meter provider. If your meter provider offers online reconfiguration, it can typically be done for around $13. Otherwise, the price may differ, as mentioned earlier.
We hope this helps, but please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions on
Hi Scottie68,
Thanks for reaching out!
Just to give you a bit more clarity, the meter readings come from the distributor. AGL can request a meter reader to visit your property on your behalf if necessary, but we can’t prevent the reader from taking the reading on the scheduled date. However, if you've already taken a reading and the reader comes the next day, it shouldn't cause a significant change to your bill or the reading.
Feel free to reach out if you have more questions!