Gas connection issue

1 Reply 414 Views

 I have been trying for two months now to get my gas connection sorted when I requested to move services to a new address in April. My account is still showing a status of “in progress” in the app. All I can see when I try to login to the website via PC is the connection is in progress and set up for quarterly billing instead of monthly. I am concerned about the issue causing a massive bill shock through no fault of my own. I also can’t see usage data for my electricity account in the app either so can’t monitor or manage my usage efficiently. I don’t understand why this issue has occurred when both services are on digital smart meters.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 395 Views

Hi Spethm72,


Thank you for reaching out.


There could be a number of reasons this is happening such as a delay in the meter reads being sent across, a delay in the online service updating etc.


We will send you a private message to get some more information.


Kind regards,

