Faulty smart meter not rectified- 2 months and counting.

1 Reply 17088 Views

Since AGL emailed to make me aware that my 6 month old smart meter (upgraded when we installed solar) was not recognising or paying any feed-in from my system, I have called fortnightly (initially) then weekly only to hear that the request was a) awaiting acceptance by the 'Metering coordinator' or b) had been rejected by the 'Metering coordinator' and had to be resubmitted.

I have emailed the 'complaints' department via the AGL website and a week later am yet to hear back- not holding my breath. 

I understand that AGL do not fit/supply the meters, but I never had an option of choosing a supplier or which meter I needed to have fitted.

AGL are failing their customers in this simple issue.

Who will step up and rectify this issue?- I'm sure I am not the only affected customer by these faulty Active Stream meters

How can I get this issue solved?

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 17079 Views

Hi Neal,


Thank you for reaching out to here and I'm sorry to hear that AGL have left you out of the loop.


Can I please ask to confirm exactly when you submitted this complaints form?


Kind regards,



0 Replies 17033 Views

Hi jaydeny

my apologies for not getting back to you sooner.

My email was sent 2/09 with the title Woods- unresolved faulty meter to the address complaints@agl.com.au


I look forward to what happens next as yours is the only response I have had since this issue began


thanks in advance


AGL Moderator
0 Replies 16803 Views

Hi Macroger, 


It is very disappointing to hear that we have let our customers down, we really appreciate the feedback. 


If you are wanting to follow this up it is recommended you give our Resolutions Team a call to see what is happening. 




AGL Moderator
0 Replies 16660 Views

Hi Neal, 


I apologise that you've had this experience and haven't received an appropriate resolution yet.


We are able to escalate this one internally for you.


Please contact us using the link below and we'd be happy to investigate further.




