Estimated billing will be a massive first bill unless it's fixed!

2 Replies 1844 Views

Hi, I rang AGL after about a week as I noticed I wasn't getting my meter data in the app. Only getting estimated data which is saying over $10 a day. I have a battery and solar, so this is incorrect. Firstly they had me hooked up to the incorrect address, however I confirmed that they now have my correct meter number. Still only getting estimated usage after 2 further weeks. Never had any trouble before with previous providers with meter data. Can someone please advise who to contact? Need this sorted out before I get a massive bill which I know will be incorrect! Thanks

1 Reply 1839 Views

Hi @JamesB84 

So you just switched to AGL recently (?), and not sure if your solar / battery is also new-ish, or if that has been there a while.

No doubt with solar and battery you have a system there with a decent app, and can see production etc . . .

Does this show usage and production info ?


Have you watched your digital meter reads, noted them one day then the next, and watched if they are all registering ?

You should see normal usage, any controlled load, and solar feed in.

If that info is there, it is likely a meter uploading issue, which AGL might have to get the power supplier or meter company to address.


It might pay to record these numbers daily, or weekly at least, to have something of a record of avg daily usage, in case you need some extra proof on top of any solar app info.


You could try downloading your data from AGL usage page, the little file icon top right of info.

This might have something there, but the supplier normally gets the interval data from the meter, and gives that to AGL to charge on, so this is likely not going to have any A (actual) reads, just E (estimate).


Since getting solar nearly 12 months ago, I have had a few periods of estimated data, once 25 days !

Mine was a meter software issue, where my Atlas Mark 10A had to be reloaded with a previous version of the software, as the newest version didn't upload data.


Good luck with it, the AGL tech dept needs to get onto such things, and then it can take a while to figure things out it seems.

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 1807 Views

Hello @JamesB84


Thank you for reaching out. 


I am sorry to hear that your date is reflecting as estimated usage in your app and can appreciate how frustrating this would be. 


We can certainly review your account to check what is causing the estimated data, I'll send you a private message and get some details from you. 


Kind Regards, 



1 Reply 1836 Views
Hi Lester,
Thanks so much for your response.
Yes I've just switched to over, has been about 3 weeks.
I'm lucky enough to have a Tesla battery, so that records my use from the
grid and what I export to the grid - which I have compared to my meter to
confirm the meter is working correctly.
I tried to explain to support the issue only a few days into me signing up
after they incorrectly signed me up to the wrong address. They told me to
wait a few days and it should come good and that I can also provide a
meter reading- which I don't think will help as I'm on TOU! I'm hoping
someone from AGL reads this and gets into contact with me to resolve this.
Thanks again.
0 Replies 1816 Views

Ah, great to have the battery, we are looking more seriously for this before the end of year now, but we pretty much neutral through summer and shoulder months, so we could wait until mid autumn I guess.

Yesterday, I received an email to advise our FIT will drop a third from Nov 1 though, but that really isn't a huge influence on solar benefits anyway.


You should not have much of a bill (if at all) with a battery, with a good system and battery, but not enough info to glean that.


You are right about the TOU and meter readings, no good unless the meter does have the right interval info, and relays that to the electricity supplier, who will send it on to AGL.

If it was all working fine before simply changing over to AGL, then there is potentially a hiccup in where the supplier is sending the data daily, possibly to the old supplier still ?

Maybe there is a transition period where AGL has to get the new retailer takeover info to the supplier and into their system.


After my 25 day estimated data fiasco, all the right data was there for AGL from our supplier (SAPN), your meter is probably holding all that ok.

1 Reply 1618 Views

Thanks for getting in touch 2 weeks ago.

Update, this still hasn't been fixed- I've sent you a private message Natalie-AGL.

Hopefully will be sorted out soon- just wondering as I'm about to get my first bill and it will be incorrect, what steps do I take to get this revised once the metering data issue is sorted out?


0 Replies 1396 Views

Update 2. I've received my first bill which was estimated. Nothing near what my actual usage is, which is why I originally posted on here. I have called AGL and the guy was really helpful, however he let me know my original case had been marked as completed- even though they are still estimating my bill. He has raised another job to get it sorted out. 

I've also contacted the Energy and Water Ombudsman SA to hopefully help get it sorted out.