Electricity service area

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When I enter my address on the web page electricity deals become available... I looked after my next door direct neighbour has changed to AGL for electricity. He joined AGL after neighbours a few doors down on other side has connected. I tried to connect via my account with no luck then online chatted and was told was registered with Ergon Energy and that the neighbours would have gotten special approval for Ergon to switch their service “by the AUS energy market”. I chatted to neighbours they did not. Why is their a difference between me and my fence sharing neighbour? Why would I need to seek permission to change?

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 7190 Views

Hi Pennyjm,


Thanks for your post!


It sounds like my colleagues may have got their wires crossed here I'm sorry to say. To clarify, areas in QLD are very distinctly either within the Ergon region or aren't. It's incredibly unlikely that a fence line is serves as a border between these two regions.


Would you mind me asking to confirm just your suburb and postcode so that I can take a look at this further?





1 Reply 7163 Views

Newtown toowoomba 4350. Wallace street 

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 7155 Views

Hi Pennyjm,


Thanks for getting back to me!


I stand corrected as Toowoomba falls right on the border of Energex/Ergon service areas. Because of this, the idea of your neighbour being billed by AGL and yourself being billed by Ergon is feasible. To determine definitively if your address can be billed by another company, I encourage you to have a chat with Ergon's customer service team. They can be contacted on 131 046 (7am - 6:30pm Monday to Friday).


Please let me know if there is anything else that I can do to help!


Kind regards,

