What are your best power-saving tips? $$$

11 Replies 19250 Views

With elec prices thru the roof, my boyfriend recently asked if he could turn off the fridge during peak time to save money. That's a really dumb idea, but I would like to hear some good ones. The stingier the better!

I always use the timers on my washer and drier to only run them at cheap times, and I never overfill the kettle (uses a surprising amount of power to boil a full kettle)

0 Replies 4680 Views

@Ttt, @David_AGL 


I did this when I said


" GOD supplied a dryer. Use it when you can."


Its like using the big YELLOW DEVICE

Cheers Neil

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Super Nova
2 Replies 4670 Views

If you have Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning, turn it off at the Fusebox when you are not using it. This is especially important if you have more than one unit.

Each unit will have an oil heater which is always on and uses approximately 60W of power when not in use. This would be like running at least ten lights all the time.

Super Nova
0 Replies 4668 Views

Forgot to say turn them back on a couple of hours before you plan to use it again to heat the oil.

1 Reply 4644 Views

I’ve been thinking doing this. Will turning the modem on and off everyday have any side affects for reconnecting to devices?

0 Replies 4641 Views

I have never had any problem. 

0 Replies 4570 Views


Buy a thermos and fill it with hot water from the jug and have the convenience of having hot water during the day.

1 Reply 4570 Views

Hi Guys

I have bought 5 Wiz Smart Plugs that need to be programmed into your WiFi to the cloud on your Smart Phone. They are a bit expensive, Bunnings $33.00 each, I got 2 for $30.00 at Office works. So now I can turn off/on TV's, garage roller doors stereo systems etc from my mobile phone. They are a bit tricky to connect and you need some patients. So no more wasted electricity from standby. Yes, it will take a while to get the money back, but you have to start somewhere.

0 Replies 4570 Views


In the heat of summer, go to the council library it is air conditioned, some have TV's on  many books and computers. They maybe opened on Saturday mornings and late on Thursdays

Super Nova
1 Reply 4547 Views

Bunnings or Officeworks have done well from the sale, but I do not see much benefit to you for this use, just some inconvenience.


The devices which have "standby" do use some power but this is now in the order micro-watts. I doubt anyone is using a TV with a Cathode Ray Tube anymore, especially the models which had preheated tubes. The "Smart Plugs" have connect to your WiFi. They have to run an RF standby circuit too, which will probably consume more power than tht used by the original device. You have added extra steps in the operation to increase your standby power use. You will not recoup any money from this.


There are applications for remote switches which could save money or increase convenience but this is not one.

1 Reply 4545 Views
Have you proof of this and in which way did you get proof? When you are a person with paraplegia it is just as much about convenience and control of power.

Garage doors for instance , they are normally on 24/7 but only work, at most 5 minutes a day. I am very happy turning off power when not needed and will be keep doing it

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