Internet Outage

6 Replies 3558 Views

Internet out for over 48hrs.  AGL network outages and status has an area 25km away listed as the problem. Only found out we are also included when called technical support. "Engineers investigating" and  next update "when next available" hasn't changed in 48hrs. Rebooting modem ineffective. Work from home and no phone coverage due to location. Not good enough service from AGL.

1 Reply 2737 Views

Same here, they did change the status to "performance issues" for NBN - QLD on Friday 21st June at about 5:11pm on the website. But that is not really giving a time frame or estimate on when exactly the outage in Nambour will be fixed. I did call support a couple of times and the best advice they give is reset your modem every hour or two....see if that fixes it.......seriously? Is that the quality of help we get? Have you turned it on and off again? It's been 4 days now and I am just wondering if this is time better spent searching for a more reliable ISP? 

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We're in Bli Bli and have had no internet from Monday 17th . Trying to run a business hotspotting off the phone is no good this is ridiculous and have had zero answers from AGL apart from there is a technical difficulty.  4days to fix , find some new contractors guys. Action now please

0 Replies 2699 Views

Up at Doonan and in same boat as you guys. Phone signal too poor to hotspot so spouse works from home will be going to Brisbane office until sorted. Advice I got from Telstra phone shop in Civic is to swap once sorted as couldn’t guarantee that wouldn’t  be back to square once re investigation of fault if changed now. Obviously more expensive but neighbour across road has never had any issues.

1 Reply 2666 Views

Dubbo NSW here. We have had internet outage for almost 24 hours. Called up yesterday and they couldn’t help. Turn off/reboot/ect… done all of it. Told me to wait or a call from tech support today. Honestly a joke. Have looked up address and there are no outages near us!? 

2 Replies 2620 Views

8 days and no update. Complaint lodged via online submission form.

0 Replies 2616 Views

Yeah still same for me in Coolum. Called them on Sunday just to check up on any progress, still nothing. 

Have been looking at Telstra plans now since next door neighbour never had any issues with them. 



1 Reply 2597 Views

Is your optical light red? Ours is. Spoke to a tech yesterday and they were no help. They have me booked in with someone tomorrow for “service restoration” to call me to help me figure it out over the phone 

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Called up technical support again to find out what's going on, now they tell me the issue in Nambour was fixed and now it's just my modem that needed to restart, after a restart and surprise surprise it didn't work they tell my that it's a copper wire in my wall! Well! What a coincidence that now it's my fault! Even though the previous tech support assured me over and again that it was a issue in Nambour. Tech support started to get frustrated when I pointed out this coincidence. How is it a wire in my wall when the internet goes down at the exact same time as this outage in Nambour? 

I am blown away.


Now it's only a matter of cancelling AGL internet and starting up with Telstra. 


Thanks for the world class technical support AGL!

0 Replies 2557 Views

Connection in Black Mountain spotty at best; been down now for several hours. Good news is - Starlink arrived today and I'll be cancelling AGL ASAP.