Why did AGL reject the transfer of my gas account in September last year?

1 Reply 2714 Views

Why did AGL reject the transfer of my gas account to Origin in September last year?

As a result of them doing this and not forwarding any bills between September and late April this year, I now have a $279 bill with AGL and AGL has again rejected the transfer to Origin, this time presumably as a result of the funds owed.

I will tell you this, I changed retailers in September last year as a result of AGL and their woeful handling of my concessions. I had a case with the ombudsman in which AGL agreed to pay the outstanding Concessions as well as voiding the closing bills for both energy accounts as a "gesture of goodwill". How and why would AGL reject a transfer under those conditions? (The initial transfer last September).

AGL caused me great mental pain and anxiety throughout the whole concessions debacle and this continuance of my having to deal with them has done so even more (I am on a disability pension as a result of mental illness) so I swore on my mother's grave that AGL will not get another cent out of me as long as I live and I intend on keeping that oath.

AGL Moderator
2 Replies 2706 Views

Hi Apex, I'm sorry to hear about your frustrating experience. Once another retailer (Origin in this case) has a valid contract from a customer for a premise the transfer of billing rights is usually a seamless process. However, that has not been in your case and I want to ensure that this is looked into further. I will send you a private message shortly to discuss further. Cheers, Deepesh  

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It isn't only one AGL has rejected the transfer but twice, once back in September last year and again recently when Origin tried to gain rights again.

2 Replies 2646 Views

You claimed to be so concerned about looking into my case however having provided my information, I have not had any response from you since.

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 2643 Views

Hi Apex, please see updated private message sent through this platform.

Kind regards,

0 Replies 2639 Views

You'll forgive my jaded response however this is now the second time on this forum and I've lost track of how many times on various other methods of contact all of which have resulted in dead ends so far.

I hope & prey you'll be the one that is different!!

AGL Moderator
2 Replies 2627 Views

Hi Apex, thank you for your patience, I'm sorry about the wait.

I've had a look at the account, it appears that there is an open ombudsman case, so I'm not able to discuss the case, as this is being handled at a higher level by the ombudsman and an AGL dispute resolution specialist.

Kind regards,

0 Replies 2625 Views

I received an email from the office of the ombudsman stating they have a higher than usual workload so it would take longer than expected to address this issue and suggesting I continue to try work through the issue with my provider.

How am I supposed to continue to find a solution if nobody will touch the issue with a barge pole!?!

1 Reply 2620 Views

You'll be glad to know that I spoke with the ombudsman today (Friday) regarding this matter (which they are treating as a continuation of the case I had against AGL in July/August of last year) and they are placing a priority on the matter so it should be dealt with by the end of next week (thank goodness!!).

Then I can finally bid farewell to this joke of an energy retailer for good.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 2579 Views

Hi Apex, I'm glad to hear that you were able to get a response from the Ombudsman. We will continue to work with the ombudsman to resolve your concern. Cheers, Deepesh