All general questions and discussion related to energy
I have been participating in Peak Energy Rewards for some time, usually receiving a small credit for reduced energy use. After the last event I was advised that 'actual usage exceeded your reduction target for this event, so you didn’t earn a bill credit'.
We cooled the house down, turned off most appliances and only kept a ceiling fan, TV and a few LED lights on prior to the event starting. I later checked my usage and it dropped to less than 50% 30 minutes prior to the event and then another 50% half way through the event.
Has anyone else experienced this. It seems as though AGL does not want to give even a small credit for reducing usage.
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Thank you. I understand that rewards are personalised. The only way I could have reduced energy usage was to turn off the TV, lights and fan.
I was really interested in seeing if anyone else had experienced anything similar. I am not going to reach out to AGL as I am probably going to change providers where I can get a much better deal.
@FIM I'm seeing more of these types of replies (as above to your post) on the neighbourhood forums.
Random forum usernames with random numbers, possibly replies with some sort of human input, I can't see AI being quite this level (yet).
They seem like a very well hidden spambot type reply and the spam link at the bottom.
Mods on forums have their work cut out more and more finding these are weeding them out.
Edit, well done mods, spam removed.
There are similar posts on the forum FIM, search peak energy rewards on the whole neighbourhood overview page (on the web platform top left next to the AGL logo) and plenty come up.
There seem to be teething issues, usually Basil_AGL is keen to resolve, so tagged here so he will see it.
Hey @FIM,
You can learn more on how Peak Energy Rewards works, how to participate and tips to shift your energy use to get rewarded here.
If you feel that you were under the target reach out to, in the email please include your name, DOB & account number and then the team will investigate and apply the appropriate credit to your account.
Thanks heaps, Basil