Controlled Load - Day time in SA

1 Reply 9370 Views

Is there day time controlled load available in SA? I've seen it on SA power network website as solar sponge version. I have hot water heater connected as Controlled Load during midnight.



AGL Moderator
1 Reply 9367 Views

Hi Nori, 


Welcome to AGL Community! 


Depending on why you are wanting it as a day time setting there are options we can take. 


Ultimately the hours are generally in the evening because that is when there is less demand on the network which is the point of Controlled Load and it is not affected by the Solar. 


If you are needing your hot water system to heat up multiple times through the day due to the size of the tank, you can just have your meter wired into your General Usage setting by an electrician to have continuous heating. 


Thank you 




1 Reply 9362 Views

Thanks Ellen


The reason is, I have solar-siphon hot water system with electric boost.

If I get boost during night time, solar hot water system does nothing since all of my family take shower in the evening. If I can have day time control load, solar hot water warms water temperature reasonably  (like 25 degrees during winter time) then electric boost heater can do rest of it (e.g. after 1PM to 3PM).


I also have small solar PV system at home which is not enough for heating element and need mains power. Control Load during day time saves lot in my situation especially cloudy and rainy winter time.


If it is available, let me know how to set up.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 9321 Views

Hi Nori, 


In that case, you'll need to speak with your electrician and they'll determine what the best options for you will be. 


Kind regards, 

