Abusive staff

2 Replies 4955 Views

Well it's been fun dealing with AGL today NOT. After months of trying to get a minor issue rectified on my bill via the app, I spoke to a Resolutions Mgr who wouldn't listen properly, nor gave her name so I raised my voice - didn't yell, just raised. She told me she didn't care how many people I had spoken to prior then said "fu@k you" and hung up. Spoke to a different woman whose English wasn't the best so couldn't understand her name, she said the previous Mgr left no notes so I couldn't get her name (yet calls are recorded), she helped with one issue but also hung up before I could ask another question. Who deals and reprimands these useless, rude a$se$ when they do stuff like this? 

Super Nova
2 Replies 4937 Views



First tip is to NEVER raise your voice. People in call centres can use that as an excuse to terminate a call. What really gets annoying is if you become more reasonable. Drives them crazy.


The next step I would take is to "write" to them with plenty of factual information but a complete lack of emotion. Do not even think of abusing them, even with $ signs. Quote the time and duration of the calls. Look up which ombudsman covers this industry and advise that you will be forwarding this correspondence if you do not get a satisfactory  resolution, to both the original complaint and the manner the call was handled. Provide a reasonable time frame for a reply, after which all will be referred. Ask that receipt be confirmed withing 48 hours. If the time frames are not met then refer it on. Keep all communications in writing.


This has worked for me in the past with different industries.

2 Replies 4932 Views

dare I suggest that you may have spoken to an Indian or a Philippines call centre and as such are dealing with a low care factor and also cultural differential to Australians (no... not racist, simply the truth)

When will we return AGL to Australian call centre excellence like Telstra have done

0 Replies 4929 Views

Tbh I agree with you. Both ladies I spoke to were Indian (I think) & I'm over not being able to understand them let alone have them completely ignore anything that I try to say. It's disgusting customer service and I'm calling to speak to an Aussie Manager on Monday and won't let it go until I do. Their service is **bleep**, even on the app they never understand 95% of the time nor do they read properly. Neither woman gave me their names yesterday either so it better be recorded. I'm very very over it and p!ssed off. 

0 Replies 4927 Views

Thanks for the tips 😊, ironically I've worked in offices for 30yrs and dealt with way worse so I NEVER get abusive at the other person as 9/10 times they're just the Admin person in some regard trying to help or clean someone else's laziness /mess up. I rarely raise my voice unless it's for a good reason which it was. It would've been a good 10-15mins into the call that I started to and it wasn't overly loud, because she was a rude thing and wouldn't let me speak or finish my sentences properly and kept spouting irrelevant stuff. She has no listening skills at all and was making excuses without factual information.

I got the ombudsman details last night and am calling AGL in the morning as well. I will be doing exactly like you said, I'm pedantic in that regard - always keep a paper trail, screenshots, time's etc etc.

I totally get having a bad day and being stressed, but she was waaaay out of line and shouldn't be working in Customer Resolutions if she can't handle someone being a little upset.

Thanks for the input though, many people let things like this go as they don't know where to turn, and customer service standards have dropped greatly everywhere here. 

0 Replies 4923 Views

Qantas are also bringing back their call centres to Australia. Companies are starting to see that overseas call centres take more than 4 times to answer your question, and that's if they don't have to go and ask a supervisor. They also know how it irritates clients that, english not being their first language and communicating over the phone, is not really working. Some Telstra calls would take days to resolve the problem because of communication problems.

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 4893 Views

Hi @Juannie , that sounds like a horrible phone experience! Could you please send me your account details via a private message (click my name) so we can look into this call?