AGL e-tech hopeless; complaint system also hopeless

1 Reply 770 Views

I spent more than an hour yesterday trying to submit my gas meter reading, only to be told two conflicting messages: First, I was finally successful. Secondly, an email today saying "Oops -- you forgot to submit a reading". Rubbish.

First, the Gas Meter App. It works well up to the point of submitting the photo. No matter whether I submit a photo taken via the app's "take a photo" function, or from the gallery of photos, it kept saying that the photo was invalid.

So I went online and sent the reading that way, with an automated message on my screen that this worked.

Then I took AGL's "How did we do?" survey, and I basically said as above. The last box in that survey asks for any further comments, but did not let me fill it in.

AGL Moderator
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Hi GasMeterAppFaul, We're sorry to hear about your experience. I'll send you a private message shortly to discuss further. Cheers, Deepesh