Electricity usage when at gym

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Mysterious electricity usage occurs when I am not home.  At 10am on Sundays I am not at home but my account shows high electricity usage.  It must be a ghost having an extremely long shower while I am not home.  I think AGL pulls electricity usage out of a hat some days, especially when I am walking around the shopping centre, at my sewing group or at the gym.   
My bill doubles in winter even though there is no heating being used.  Inside the house I wear three layers of clothing, boots and socks, hat and gloves to keep warm but my electricity usage according to my account is up in the morning and low in the evenings.  It is time to swap to an energy company that charges less and has simple energy plans.

AGL Moderator
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Hi IreneS, We're sorry to hear about the situation. It would be best to understand the source of the usage to get on top of this issue. I assume you have a smart meter at the site and the usual configuration is that your energy distributor/metering coordinator relays your usage data to AGL, which then gets reflected on the AGL app and the costs associated with it. Unfortunately, changing retailers isn't going to resolve the underlying issue as your energy distributor will still remain the same and the way they report your usage will remain the same.

Your standby devices and devices that runs continuously (example your fridge) will continue to use electricity even when you are not at the site. However, this will be consistent and there shouldn't be a spike in usage when you are not at the site. An electrician perhaps could give you a better understanding of where the usage is stemming from. Also, please visit https://www.agl.com.au/help-support/financial-support/energy-saving-tips to get some useful energy saving tips. Cheers, Deepesh