Solar systems check not updated since 21 July

1 Reply 12056 Views

I note that my solar systems check data has not been updated since 21 July, yet when I access 'usage' I can see that the feed in data etc is up to date as of a day or two ago.  I did have a chat with one of your on-line staff who said that it had to be fixed by the IT group - but this was several weeks ago, and I find it absolutely ridiculous that something as simple as this can take so long and still not be fixed.  If AGL intend to offer such a service, then make it work !  At the moment it is totally useless.  Your IT staff need to get their act together and actually provide some decent support to their clients.

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I note that it has now been THREE weeks and not  a word from AGL support.  If I did not pay my bill and was three weeks late there would be hell to pay and probably disconnection,  But it is fine for AGL to not provide service for THREE weeks !  Typical c**p service that AGL provide.

1 Reply 11935 Views

How did you go?


I have no data update since 25 July, so almost 3 months.


Am I the best/worst case?

1 Reply 11805 Views

My deepest apologies for such a late reply but the incompetence of AGL support staff (in particular the imbeciles masquerading as programmers) was so high it has taken them close to three months to give me back my community access.  First effort caused me to lose all online access, then they re-connected me with the wrong data, and then it took two months for the imbeciles to give my community access back.  Although I am sure that there are some good people in the community, willing to give their own time to helping others, in your case given that you require an answer from AGL support staff, then I'd suggest that the community is close to useless.  I did get two phone numbers from AGL chat staff (that may also be a better option for you as it is a real-time fix) and they are 1800-813-028 and 13-12-45 and they are for IT support which is how I eventually managed to get my on-line account fully functional, including solar command status.

AGL Community Manager
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Hi @srb623 , I'm glad I was able to help restore access to your community account - the problem was actually caused by a technical issue with the platform outside of AGL's control. 


I'm also sorry you had such a frustrating ongoing experience in getting your problems resolved, but please do keep the Community Guidelines in mind when you post.


Expressing frustration or dissatisfaction is perfectly understandable, but please try to stay mature and respectful. Ongoing abusive posts would mean a temporary or permanent community ban, which is the last thing I want when it took us so long to resolve your access problem.