Solar feed is not shown on AGL app or online account

2 Replies 14524 Views

Hi, I got problem that my app or online account does not show updates for the solar feed. I only see the update on electricity use. I has been charged $165, then I only see the solar feed for one week since my solar panel installed. Until now, it has been three weeks that I cannot see the update for solar feed. I called my solar company who installed for me. They checked everything is all working and connected AGL. I still cannot understand why AGL didn’t receive electricity from my solar grids.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 14519 Views

Hi cloris88,


Welcome to the AGL Community!


Can you please confirm when your meter was upgraded to accommodate for your solar system? Additionally, it'd be great if you could post a screenshot of the 'Usage' screen in your My Account.


Kind regards,



1 Reply 14515 Views

9026CA49-05C2-488C-8965-51539520D86F.pngI checked with solar installation company and Energex. They found out the problem is from your reconfiguration team or maybe your system error. As I can read from digital meters, it shows different figures from the figures in my account.


AGL Moderator
1 Reply 14504 Views

Hi cloris88,


Thank you for getting back to me!


So that I can help further, could you please send me a quick private message with your AGL account number and address?


Kind regards,



0 Replies 14503 Views

I called again to your solar connection team. They has updated the figures for me. Thanks for your message.