Last payment not shown in my payment history

1 Reply 4500 Views

I just checked on my payment history for my gas bill and it shows that I have overdue payment. But I have confirmed my bank bill payment gone through successfully before the due date but AGL web site still showing I have not paid. How do I go about complaining on this? 

Super Charger
1 Reply 4498 Views

Hey SoonSian,


When did you make the payment? Is it possible the payment left your banking account & hasn't reached AGL yet?


Either way, the staff won't be able to look at your individual account via the forum, so I recommend you each out via the methods here.

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I paid on Sept 22nd

Super Charger
1 Reply 4490 Views

I wouldn't panic if it's been ~24hr, the PH in Victoria today may also have some impact. 

If you're concerned, suggest you contact them directly as they won't be able to discuss your account on the forum. 

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Thanks. The system updated to reflect my last payment after few days.