Past Invoices reversed and re-issued at 3 times the charge

3 Replies 9746 Views

I am experiencing what I believe is an hugely overcharged invoice by AGL.  AGL, without notification, reversed my past paid invoice (Oct - Jan 2023) and due on May 18 invocie (Jan-Apr 2023) two days before due date on May 16, They then issued a completely new invoice on May 25 for the whole period of Oct to Apr 2023 (AGL even removed the Oct to Jan invoice record) and based on estimated usage, I now owe them $730 for Oct to Jan period, and Jan to Apri amount has doubled to $800. My total due amount is now $1530.  The new invoice has no start reference or end reference usage, purely an estimation, and a very pricey estimation. I've tried app Chat and talked to the customer service on 131245 but they were of no help

So I would most appreciate it if Neighbourhood could give advice on how to address this overcharging problem to AGL so they can listen, investigate and resolve the matter. Thank you StephenC

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 7822 Views

Hi @StephenC


Welcome to AGL Neighbourhood! 


I'm sorry to hear you were not adequately assisted when you contacted us earlier. I'd be more than happy to look into this for you. I'll send you a private message to grab your account details from you.


Kind Regards,


0 Replies 7817 Views

Hi Olgi

Details were sent to you and await your feedback




2 Replies 7791 Views

I have a similar problem. All of a sudden our power bill is estimated at around $750. It’s just me and my wife. We have gas hot water and oven and are mindful around  power usage (hanging out washing, don’t use the heater much etc)  

Get this..I am in Sydney (have been here for 4 days now) I took screen a screen shot of my bill and we’ve mysteriously used almost 200kwh and no body is even home?? 
Hopefully we can sort it out or I’m out! New provider 

1 Reply 7787 Views

Thanks for Sharing ...My daily usage has also more than tripled recently from an daily average 16kwh to 50kwh. I had no data issue with Origin for 2 years but after switching to AGL since Ap 2022, the usage reading had been untrustworthy. My bill with Orign was around $ 330 for the same period last year but its a $1000 with AGL, and I can only speculate either the Smart meter is faulty or I am being ripped off. I can hope Intellibhub/AGL would honestly and diligently complete their investigation.

1 Reply 7777 Views

Can you cross check by taking photos of your smart meter readings, and daily solar data?
I had no problems with Origin but switched to get the AGL cash back— now I’m really worried that this is going to be more work than it’s worth.


AGL Moderator
0 Replies 7771 Views

Hi @Channon, welcome to Neighbourhood. I am going to send you a private message so we can take a look at this high bill for you! Thanks- Mark.

0 Replies 7767 Views

Same thing happened to me. I finally got to talk to 131245 and they have lodged an investigation as it appears my smart meter was incorrectly set. Still trying to understand how that is my problem though as I don’t program the thing.

1 Reply 7766 Views

The Resolution Team is now aware of the huge discrepancy of usage recorded between Origin and AGL as it is the same meter in use. I believe the investigation is now targeted to the accuracy of the Smart Meter reading as it could simply be a faulty unit which is generating rubbish data. Physically recording the meter reading is meaningless so that he better option is to keep your old usage record (assumed they were actual reading as marked on the invoice) from Origin and compare to the new Invoice from AGL and take notice if it says actual or estimated usage in the Summary. Hope this helps

1 Reply 7646 Views

Please can someone look into my bills as I have paid more than 5000 in bills for electricity just in the last  2 yrs alone and there’s only me in this house !!!