No data update on electricity consumption and electricity production since 25 Jul 2019

1 Reply 19995 Views

I tried to contac consultant today, but I was not successful.

I only got as far as Community Board.

Maybe because it was close to 21:00 on Tuessday 22nd October 2019

I did not have information updated on my AGL online account  from June, then about month or so later it got updated to 25th of July.

I contacted AGL in total 5 or 6 times since June 2019, all operators promised to have it fixed in 3 to 5 working days.
Last time I was asked to wait 10 working days, 11th working day was on 17th October 2019


Appears all operators were liars.

Can somebody help me to get information I always had available?

Why is it so difficuld to provide me with genuine will to fix this almost 5 months problem?


(Almost identical post I made on old thread from 2017 year. After I posted it, I got access to area where I could start new thread, so I used the opportunity. Hope Moderators don't mind.)


2 Replies 9513 Views

Good news:

Jaydeny managed to fix the problem.


Bad news:

I had to re-register and surpise, surprise Lenes username wasn't available, so I reincarnated myself in Lenes1 skin.


What I would like to know now, why my requests for fixing the problem were not treated with adequate care?

Why it took 4 months to do nothing?


Immediate conclusion in my opinion is that "Chat area" with AGL consultants is laughable.

(I will never use it again !!!)

There obviously is no good working relationship between Chat personnel and IT personnel and definitely no feedback from IT to Chat about progress of reported matter.


I will try to dig it little bit further if time permits.


Please do not think that I am not grateful, I am, but worries me my wasted time with 5 or 6 consultants and no fix of the problem and no  feedback why it wasn't fixed.


And because it is my new username this is my first post, and for that I will get an E-mail with congratulations.

0 Replies 9511 Views

Because I am no longer Lenes I cannot mark mater: solved, what a bummer.




AGL Community Manager
2 Replies 9507 Views

@Lenes1 , sorry it took so long to get it resolved. I'm actually looking into why repeated inquiries to the Chat team weren't able to solve the problem for you, to prevent this happening again.

0 Replies 9504 Views

I would like to know too.


At times I wasn't sure what to think about AGL.


Another thing, contacting AGL is a chore:

1. Almost impossible to talk to person.

2. I found it impossible to get to higher level of authority, to complain about treatment from first contact personnel. (Don't get me wrong, Chat personnel is nice and willing to help and they all got 10 for treating me during chat, but NO ACTION, looked like "Ground hog day" to me, just had to wait for 3, 5 or 10 working days and then had to tell the whole story again, got promised and wait again. After several rounds I asked Chat personnel to have a look at recorded previous contact as I had enough of going through my problem again and again. Problem was the same, only AGL chat person different)

3. Lots of different pages on AGL site, but I could not find Complaints area.

1 Reply 9480 Views

About 2 weeks gone since my problem was fixed.

Any results of Chat / IT section investigation why so long nothing was done despite me contacting AGL a number of times since June 2019?

Or you would rather let this question get dust all over and get forgotten?


Just asking ...

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 9477 Views

Hi @Lenes1 , thanks for dropping by again. Still unknown at this stage but I'm following up.

1 Reply 9459 Views

Hi David_AGL


Another 2 weeks gone and no answer to why my problem wasn't fixed for so long despite Chat Personnel promising to get problem fixed at the end of every chat.


Luckily I get electricity usage and production updated, so I should probably go quiet and be grateful that I have access to data since it was fixed.


I will bump in few more times into this thread and most probably will give up, with assumption that I expect too much.


Bye for now.

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 9455 Views

Hi @Lenes1 , the issue primarily is that there can be various underlying technical causes of these problems, some of which require more work and take a long time to resolve. When chat agents tell you the problem will be fixed they are escalating it to more technical teams, and in the majority of cases these teams are able to fix the problems very quickly.


In some cases, such as with your account, the problem is more complex so the fix takes longer - but chat agents aren't aware of this at the time. 


I'm looking into whether we can improve the process around issues like this so that the timeframe for resolving the problem can be better communicated. Regardless, I'm pleased to hear that your issue has been resolved and your usage is being updated again. Thanks for your patience and dedication to improving the support experience for technical issues; it's much appreciated!