Medical Consession

2 Replies 10238 Views

How to upload a medical concession form?



AGL Moderator
0 Replies 10231 Views

Hi there, Alf!

You can send the completed medical concession forms to and they will approve them onto your account!


2 Replies 10225 Views

Have send completed form as you recommended and there is no official answer. Just standard answer from chat at night  -Hello Raisa, the forms needs to be sent to DHHS directly for approval. But It is a pre-approved condition and as it stay in the form it must be send directly to retailer. All done correctly by me and I did it many times with other retailers without any problem. What to do next? Thank you. Raisa




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AGL Moderator
1 Reply 10193 Views

Hi @Kutsenko,


Welcome to Neighbourhood. I've sent you a private message to obtain your account details so we can ensure that the forms have been received.


Kind Regards,


0 Replies 10190 Views

Account name - ( *** removed private information ***)

Thank you!


 The most important-- does Medical Cooling Concession added to account?

1 Reply 9449 Views

I've just been through exactly the same issue - it's been so distressing, especially since every customer rep I've spoken to seems to firmly  believe that the Life Support Requirement and the Medical Heating/Cooling Concession are the same thing. 

Also, it seems that sending a completed form (*which is valuable data, complete with doctor details and signature*) to the AGL lifesupport email address is sending it into a black hole. I sent my form in on 20/9. I have no idea if they got it, or the timeframe for processing.

The customer rep that I rang yesterday told me that I should just wait.

Then he rang back and said to send it to the QLD gov.

I have an email from another customer rep, sent a few weeks ago, providing a link to the blank form, and telling me to send it to the AGL lifesupport email address. 

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 9424 Views

Hello @MHdgs, Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us. 


Sorry to hear that this has been distressing for you and apologise for the poor experience that you have had. I am happy to help you out and give you some peace of mind. 


Even though Medical Heating/Cooling is different from Life Support, the forms can be sent our life support email address, however, I appreciate you have sent the forms in September and that they have not been received on our end. 


I'll send you a private message so I can check your account and see if there are any updates. 


Kind Regards, 





1 Reply 9394 Views

Hi Natalie,

On 5/10/23 I posted the form my Dr and I downloaded from the Qld Gov website to the relevant Qld Gov department.

On 10/10/23 I received a text saying that the concession had been granted.


If I had done as AGL has advised me on several occasions as outlined below, I'd still be waiting to hear back from AGL regarding approval of my Medical Heating/Cooling Concession.


I spoke to a person from the Qld Gov Department who approves the Concession on Monday.

She said that she had

                                                                     *** "no idea" ***

why AGL wanted a copy of the necessary form, that it had

                                                        *** "nothing to do with AGL" ***


As a consequence, I am at a loss as to why AGL asked me to send the completed form to them and am very concerned at their collection of this personal data, which includes my doctor's details, signature and an imprint of his authorising stamp.


The below is not the fault of the phone consultants involved - it's the lack of training provided by AGL.

To describe the relevant events :

On 15/08/23 I rang AGL to ask what was required to obtain the concession.

The consultant sent me an email with a link to a copy of the form.

The email said 

"It needs to be authorised by your hospital or referring medical practitioner"

and asked me to send the completed form to Support Administrator, AGL, Reply Paid 84146, Melbourne VIC 8001

I replied to the email saying that the link to the form was broken but heard nothing back.

My doctor downloaded a copy of the form (also available from the Qld Gov) and we completed that form which I then emailed to on 20/9/23.

I rang a phone consultant 4/10/23 to ask if the form had been successfully received, given that I hadn't received any acknowledgement of it's receipt.

He told me to simply wait.

He asked why I'd refused life support early 2021 the first time I applied to AGL for this concession, shortly after moving to Qld.

I explained to him that Life Support and Medical Heating/Cooling are different.

I do not qualify for, nor want Life Support.

I do qualify for and need Medical Heating/Cooling.

I found this conversation distressing. Having to explain personal medical needs to someone who has no idea what you are talking about and doesn't understand why you won't accept being given Life Support is unpleasant. To re-iterate, he didn't understand that there was a difference.

On my insistence, he raised ticket #1969031108 to investigate the matter further for me.

He rang me back a couple of hours later saying he'd done some research on the internet, and I should send the form to the Qld Government.

He wasn't able to explain why AGL had told me earlier to send it to It isn't his fault - this young man went out of his way to try to help me - his training is lacking.

I have heard nothing else from AGL since regarding that ticket.

The first time I applied for this concession in early 2021 after moving to Queensland at the end of 2020, the consultant I spoke to then did not understand the difference and gave me Life Support, which I then had to cancel.

It's worth almost $500 a year and can't be backdated.

I have answered your PM with my details as requested.

0 Replies 9248 Views

Hi Natalie/AGL,

I haven't received any response to my post above?

Why is AGL telling people to send their forms to an AGL email address instead of directly to the QLD government? What has happened to the copy of the form I sent to AGL, with my dr's stamp on it?  Are AGL ever going to call me back re the ticket I mentioned in my last post here?

Next step, posting in more public forums.