Installation of Smart Meter

1 Reply 2109 Views

As a current and longstanding QLD AGL electricity customer, if I change/ upgrade to a new digital smart meter (from my current standard single rate electricity meter), could you please answer and confirm the following questions:

1. What are the ongoing billing charges associated with the installation of the new digital smart meter at my premises?

2. Is a single rate electricity plan (including T31/CL1 controlled load for offpeak HWS) still an available AGL SEQ electricity plan option after smart meter installation?

3. Will my current 5kw solar system feed-in electricity via the new smart meter?

4. Will I still be eligible to receive the Queensland Government Solar Bonus Scheme 44 cent feed-in tariff?

5. Does AGL offer a retailer feed-in tariff if a smart meter is installed?

6.Will my current (separate) controlled load electricity meter still be required (in addition to new smart meter) to ensure access to the best/cheapest offpeak controlled load tariff? And if not, how can I be assured a T31/ CL1 tariff can be applied to my offpeak HWS via the new smart meter?

7. Is the installed smart meter universally compatible with competitor electricity retailers billing/ reading software in the event I choose to switch to another supplier at some future juncture?

8. What costs would be incurred if I installed a smart meter and then, at some future juncture, decided to switch to an alternate electricity supplier?

Thanks for your assistance.

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 2086 Views

Hi @RJM,


Welcome to AGL Neighbourhood!


 I'll send you private message to grab your account details from you so I can assist you further.




1 Reply 2055 Views

Is it possible to make the outcome to these questions public as private follow ups do not assist others with the same issues. Thanks. 

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 2035 Views

Hi @FayeB 

Thank you for reaching out.


Public responses are our preference too, but for some questions, answers are too individualised or involve too much private information for us to do so.

Was there a particular question above you would like a response to?

Kind regards,
