FayeB's latest conversations

FayeB Semiconductor

Where is AGL's Customer Support? Is anyone actually there?? Meter Upgrade and Solar Bonus

I have what I thought was a relatively simple question. I used the My Account Message system to ask, only to be told to phone support.I sat for hours on hold to the phone number supplied by message, gave up when my battery died.Asked the question here on neighborhood, no reply in a week, but agents reply to posts that are 1 hour old. IS THERE ANYONE EMPLOYED BY AGL AS CUSTOMER SUPPORT OR IS IT ALL A LIE? I have recently been advised via letter that my meter will be upgraded to digital. I curren ...
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FayeB Semiconductor

Re: Installation of Smart Meter

Is it possible to make the outcome to these questions public as private follow ups do not assist others with the same issues. Thanks.
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FayeB Semiconductor

Digital Meter Upgrade and Government Rebates

I have recently been advised via letter that my meter is to be upgraded to digital. I currently have a standard plan (T11 / CL31) and have the Queensland Government 44 cent feed in rebate. Before the meter is upgraded to a digital smart meter could you please answer the following questions: Will the meter change require a new electricity plan, or will I stay on the same plan / tariffs?Will my solar system feed-in electricity via the new smart meter?Does the smart meter also take over the control ...
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