Feed-in tariff

2 Replies 8878 Views

Why has the rate for my feed-in tariff changed from 0.111 to 0.102? 

AGL Moderator
2 Replies 8870 Views

Hi HelA,


We review and change our rates in most states from 1st July each year. Unfortunately, most feed-in tariffs were decreased during this most recent review.


Kind regards,



0 Replies 8856 Views



I don't understand why we weren't informed of this decrease. We get notification instantly as soon as you increase rates we have to pay but you failed to inform us that you've decreased the feed in tariffs. The only reason I know is because I went through the details of the bill.  

2 Replies 4090 Views

I do not think it is fair that AGL is ramping up our costs and not increasing the feed in tariffs accordingly.


Our electricity is just as expensive as yours to buy.


We generate it and should be recompensed accordingly.


Maybe we should start talking to the government about the cost of our power and we set the charges to the electricity suppliers, not the other way around.

Let's be fair here, you are making huge profits from our power start giving some back, we are doing the right thing by you and the environment



2 Replies 1495 Views

I TOTALLY agree with Arthur.

It is grossly unfair to continually drop the feed in tariff on

energy generated by MY solar panels.

AGL then makes huge profits and INCREASES my rates !

Seriously looking at changing my supplier ( there is no loyalty ).


Really fed up with wrong Company standards !

Will post these sentiments on Social media and get support.

0 Replies 1487 Views

Old thread, but coming up as relevant again currently.

Here in SA the feed in has been around 6c, some offered 5c, but I was looking about the AGL offers the other day and noticed plans are now offering 3c.


Mine hasn't changed (yet), at least not on last bill just ended 17/7.

It could be my plan 6c is valid until a few days pre Christmas, then it might change.


Not that long ago, some state regulators reset minimum feed in tariffs to 3c, so some retailers are likely to go and change to the lowest they can offer.


With new plans likely to be charging 45c (+ gst) for peak tariffs (TOU), and feed ins of 3c, that a nice tidy 1500% markup.


The only way to have a chance of beating this in the near future is to have a decent solar set up, and a battery, be almost self sufficient most of the year, and perhaps top off Winter needs to a battery in shoulder times from the grid if needed.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 1440 Views

You are right. Unfortunately, the feed it tariff rates have been decreasing recently. However, solar can be a great way to cut back on your energy bills and be less reliant on the electricity grid. We have some helpful insights and suggestions to make the most of your solar system. Check them out at: https://www.agl.com.au/discover/sustainability/how-to-make-the-most-of-your-solar-power. Cheers, Deepesh

1 Reply 1401 Views

Why is my feed-in tarriff changing from 4.90 to 3.30 cents per kilowatt hour?

I am guessing I am not going to see a drop in price in what I use, so essentially you are profiting from taking feed-in and selling it at higher price.

Also why do you have a rewards program, you should be concentrating on delivering lower priced energy.

0 Replies 1339 Views

I'm taking this up with the accc and the government they buy it at 3.3 cents from us a d sell it back to us for about 40 cents this is price gouging for sure . No negotiations they set both the buy and sell . I'd rather see we use all we create and only buy after we have used what we have made 

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 1278 Views

Hello @TFL


As part of the price change, the VIC standard (default) retailer feed-in tariff has also reduced from 4.9c/kWh to 3.3c/kWh from 1 July. This is in line with the minimum feed-in tariff set by the Essential Services Commision.  


Solar can be a great way to cut back on your energy bills and be less reliant on the electricity grid. We have some helpful insights and suggestions to make the most of your solar system.


Kind Regards, 
