Energy rates increasing without any notification

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Just checking with others, my single variable electricity rate in Qld has gone up again in the background.  I looked at last bill and it was $0.304, and in the app for this month its gone up to $0.340.  No email to let me know the price changed.  I know its variable, but when looking at plans on the AGL website it says we will let you know when things change.  I get their emails since I get the bills fine 🙂

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I think demand is tied into TOU charges isn't it (?), not the old fixed  / single tariff . . . but you can correct me if you are on fixed / single with a demand charge attached.


Here in SA, we are automatically placed onto TOU tariff when you go to a digital meter, and that is required to install a solar system, so it can handle 2 way communications.

While you can apparently ask to stay on Fixed (or single) tariff, if you don't know, you get put onto TOU.


But TOU is one of the main reasons for power cos and retailers wanting digital meters, to incentivise power frugality from consumers, as well as control over very specific load shedding and network safety (switching off peoples solar when the grid is under threat form overload).

Of course the power cos / retailers say demand charges are also make people more conscious of using power in low load times, and free up peak demand times.

All brought to you by GOVCO policy, and too soon a push onto renewables, before the grid is ready.


So the competition with Origin charges roughly same overall, just call it a different thing ?


Just checked my brothers March 2024 bill I have a copy of, he's is with Ergon in NQ (the only supplier in this area), he's on Tariff 11 - Residential Flat Rate (General Domestic), with 10kw solar and 10kw battery, Solar Exports - Solar feed-in for Regional Queensland, daily supply charge is (was) reasonable (1.09521 + gst).

I won't put current rates for power, he's had a price rise since this, but still, he's miles in front of the game.

Monthly billing, he gets ~ $140 a month avg credit, and since his ~ 12 month solar install to that date, he had then a little over $2000 in CR.

The only way to beat bills (for now and the near future) is suitable solar system, with a decent battery.

Until the rules are changed to limit combined advantages, but I feel that will take a while to make the investment worthwhile.

I have the solar, just waiting for the right time (and savings) to get the battery.


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Just got hold of brothers latest Ergon bill for NQ.

His fixed rate went up post March bill to 0.00745c per kwh (yes, an increase of 0.745% of 1 cent), his FIT dropped 1.064c to 12.377c, his supply charge did however go up 14.722c a day to $1.24243.

His CR for Sept went up to $170 for the month anyway, shows how a solar with a battery can make a big difference.

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