Electricity bill is way high only single person at property with least use of electricity

1 Reply 2976 Views

Dear Representative,

MY electricity bill is way too high. I am staying alone and use electricity mostly in the evening time and on holidays only in the room where I am operating and rest of the rooms remain dark or no electricity use. 

I am not at all using centralised heating system. 

It is covid time I understand your company is may be at loss but that does not mean that that loss to be recovered from customers in this fashion. I cant uload meter reading, under the name of "smart meter" readinngs are automatically collected by AGL electricity. So what is the basis of they are transparent. Check the case of gas. The moment I started updating reading it started giving me the bill appropriate as of use. 

SO it is my humble request to you that it is covid time where financially every one is stretched in such testing time least one expect is proper billing as per the use and not gross one under the name of "smart".

Please investigate the matter and respond. 


AGL Community Manager
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Hi @ramanandgarge , I'm sorry to hear you got an unpleasant surprise with your latest bill! I assure you, the cost on your bill will only ever be based on your actual usage and the price agreed in your contract, never about "recovering a loss". If you've received a bill that's higher than expected, take a look at My bill seems higher than usual, what should I do? for some options to investigate. 


That said, it certainly is a tough time right now for a lot of people financially. If you're struggling to pay and in need of assistance please check out the options outlined on our Coronavirus response page.


And finally, if you feel there may be an issue with your bill, you should contact customer service, either by phone or chat, or by logging into your account and clicking "Message us".


Because this is a public discussion forum, I've removed your account number from your post. You'll need to provide that to customer service privately.